- Comment on Why do people always assume you're part of a group just because you're defending them? 1 year ago:
1: It’s extremely common for people to be biased in favour of a group they’re part of, since they benefit from that support.
2: It’s also extremely common for group members to pretend to be outsiders when supporting their group, precisely because of (1). “Oh well, if this person is supporting the group despite being an outsider, they must be super-altruistic, and therefore their cause must be super-righteous.”
3: If a group meets with widespread disapproval, then one way to silence external support for it is accusing the supporter of (2) - suggesting that not only are they one of the hated group, and also showing how dishonest the group members truly are.
4: Dunking on out-group members - especially via (3) - strengthens the bond of the in-group.
- Comment on Why do people always assume you're part of a group just because you're defending them? 1 year ago:
This seems more like a rhetorical question than an actual question, since you’re mostly answering it yourself.
Are you actually looking for answers, or just making a point?
(I’m not saying your point is invalid, of course…)
- Comment on Why would I want to use the multi-desktop functionality in Windows 11? 1 year ago:
It’s a nice seapration of concerns. All the taskbar icons only show in their respective space, so I can keep my mind off work when I’m not working, and vice-versa, and there’s less general clutter to sort through.
- Comment on Why would I want to use the multi-desktop functionality in Windows 11? 1 year ago:
Desktop 1: WFH environment - mail, terminal, ticket queue etc.
Desktop 2: Me-stuff: lemmy, gmail, youtube, netflix, steam.