- Comment on What is wrong with the architecture of the Internet? 4 weeks ago:
That it’s based on trust.
- Comment on PlayStation Network Currently Suffering Major Outage 1 month ago:
It’s back up for me in Australia.
- Comment on Google Calendar removed events like Pride and BHM because its holiday list wasn’t ‘sustainable’ 1 month ago:
While I don’t disagree, I’d say gamer culture is pretty misogynistic and unwelcoming for minorities. So, it’s more of a risk than in other communities.calcukated risk, I’m sure.
- Comment on Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Devs Just Removed DRM From Their Failed Game 1 month ago:
It was free on ps+ and I haven’t played it.
- Comment on Microsoft bundles Office AI features into Microsoft 365 and raises prices 2 months ago:
Hopefully lots of people cancel which makes other companies wary of trying similar.
- Comment on ByteDance to sidestep US sanctions by renting Nvidia GPUs in the cloud 2 months ago:
No, they didn’t want tik tok scooping all the data up for the Chinese government. Facebook and Instagram and WhatsApp are meant to do that for the American government.
- Comment on Microsoft stealthily installs Windows 10 update to nag you to upgrade to Windows 11 – and not for the first time 4 months ago:
I’m not an admin but don’t they keep changing them so that you can’t prevent these updates with group policy alone.
- Comment on D-Link refuses to patch a security flaw on over 60,000 NAS devices — the company instead recommends replacing legacy NAS with newer models 4 months ago:
Which is likely why they are not bothering to fix it.
- Comment on Google is purging ad-blocking extension uBlock Origin from the Chrome Web Store 5 months ago:
Yes, which existed at the time but was not a commonly used phrase. I dont know that it had even been coined by that point.
- Comment on Google is purging ad-blocking extension uBlock Origin from the Chrome Web Store 5 months ago:
I’ve already switched to Firefox. It makes me a little sad that I moved to chrome in the first place. Back then google seemed to care about improving the web experience and moving to open standards. Now they are so dominant, it’s the opposite. Its the death of an idealistic internet.
- Comment on Software fixes now account for over 20% of car recalls 5 months ago:
Rust is bad for cars
- Comment on Most Amazon workers considering job hunting due to 5-day in-office policy: Poll 5 months ago:
So, you think on,y the best workers will leave? Not a great policy then.
- Comment on X is capitulating to Brazil’s Supreme Court 5 months ago:
And while they serve a purpose, they aren’t really missed in any significant way when gone.
15 years ago, we might have missed google. There were other options then, but they were worse. Now google is worse.
- Comment on A European consumer watchdog wants you to be able to buy exactly as much in-game currency as you need, not fixed chunks 6 months ago:
It would likely lead to a lot of issues. The games companies would need licences like a bank. They would need to keep it secure and have funds availabke to offset a run. It would likely also mean that players would be able to refund unused cash.
If they change the value in game, it might lead to gains which are taxable or losses which are possible to offset.
- Comment on An Ubisoft investor wants to dethrone Ubisoft's founders so Ubisoft can lay more developers off 6 months ago:
Also, a grammar lesson for you too! When you dont put ‘an’ between quotation marks, your sentence doesn’t read well either. Next debate should be which quotation marks to use, but that varies by country.
However, your post enlightened me to my mispronunciation of Ubisoft, despite knowing they were French. I’m not sure that I’ll change though. I don’t thibknthe French would anglicise a word with widespread French pronunciation to appease non-French speakers, so I’m sure they are (ironically not) fine with it.
I also agree with you, that in English, most people pronounce it as Yubi, so “a” would have been appropriate and 'an" reads poorly.
- Comment on Oasis ticketing chaos prompts probe into dynamic pricing 6 months ago:
They already do that with different pricing based on distance to stage. This is gouging, which is different. They stagger the releases to control the market, so as to artificially inflate demand and prices.
- Comment on Shein says it found two cases of child labor in its supply chain last year 6 months ago:
Loosely. Amazon is a technology company and online retailer too. Amazon has more leaning into tech with was, as well as consumer electronics, but really their biggest consumer facing part is based on being a logistics company.
- Comment on Borderlands 4 is coming in 2025 7 months ago:
I wonder if the movie flopping massively will be damaging for the brand. It seems the movie sparked some increases in gaming, though. If so, could we see companies take more care with their IP, as games sales are at risk.
Who am i kidding. A cash grab is a cash grab.
- Comment on From Baldur's Gate to Rogue Trader, the latest RPG-themed Humble Bundle is a horrifying assault on your time 7 months ago:
Humble games is humble bundle. They started doing good deals and some went to charity. They got a good name. They were bought out. A large corporation fired all the staff and kept the branding. No Kore commitments to charity. Just a regular shop, trading on the good name others made. That’s scammy and scummy.
- Comment on From Baldur's Gate to Rogue Trader, the latest RPG-themed Humble Bundle is a horrifying assault on your time 7 months ago:
Aren’t all the humble bundle staff fired and they just use the brand now? So really its a multi pack sale from a corpo. I won’t be purchasing from them again.
- Comment on Kaspersky offers free security software for six months in U.S. goodbye 8 months ago:
Even if kaspersky has done nothing g wrong and dont intend to, try will need to follow local law. If they are directed to install back doors, they will.
Its not out of the question. Australia law allows government to request back doors so lots of companies decline to have operations there.
Even if the risk is theoretical, it’s logical to not be in a position where Russia can push a malware update that kills a lot of western companies.
- Comment on Meta removes special restrictions for Trump's account ahead of 2024 elections 8 months ago:
Hopefully Facebook does for willingly allowing misinformation, against their own policies.
- Comment on Sea Of Thieves Was The Most Downloaded PlayStation 5 Game In May 9 months ago:
Its not unusual to rank media and have weekly or monthly takings. They tend to sell best st launch and its a good comparison. Gaming is a bigger industry than movies and movies has been going it for years.
However, an article focused on one game in one short period is junk, unless they have something extra tonsay beyond that.
- Comment on The Last Of Us Season 2 Will Be 7 Episodes And Won’t Cover The Full Game 9 months ago:
If its satisfying then great. If its just a cash grab to drag out to 3 seasons, then it will harm the quality and storytelling.
They could go wither way, just telling the existing story but padding it out and filling in details not necessary for the game, or start telling new stories with new characters in the world.
Either can work but it can go wither very quickly. I have more faith in HBO than others but they have changed their policies in recent years.
- Comment on NVIDIA switching to open kernel modules by default in future driver update for Turing+ 10 months ago:
And all it took was greed.
- Comment on Fallout TV creators saved “iconic elements” for season 2 so it doesn’t feel like they just skimmed Wikipedia 11 months ago:
Yes, bit I think they lean in rather than lean on.
- Comment on The Fallout TV show's Season 1 is now available to stream 11 months ago:
Just finished first episode. Seems good so far, but less quirky than I expected.
- Comment on Tiny Tires picks up the legacy of the classic Micro Machines racing series 11 months ago:
I used to love this as a kid too. When I saw hot wheels games, I gave them a go, hoping for a nostalgia rush. No such luck. I remember playing with 7 friends at a birthday party, which was revolutionary for the time. Each controller used by 2 people. The cartridge had 2 extra controller slots on the top. Of course friends had to bring spares, as nobody had more than 2. 8 people around a 12 inch tv screen, even if they were pre puberty is still quite a squish, lol.
- Comment on TV Tropes' list of video game spiritual successors 11 months ago:
Lol, the last of us as spiritual successor to uncharted. They have some similarities in control and game engine, but hugely different tone, themes and gameplay.
One a heartfelt zombie horror survival, the other a spiritual successor to tomb raider, itself a spiritual successor to Indiana Jones.
This list is not useful.
- Comment on Nick Offerman Slams ‘Homophobic Hate’ Against His ‘The Last of Us’ Episode: ‘It’s Not a Gay Story. It’s a Love Story, You A–hole!’ 1 year ago:
The point is that nobody calls Cinderella a straight story. Yes, it was great representation and the reason it was great was because it wasn’t cliché or leaning into stereotypes for characterisation.
It was certainly a gay story, but it was first and foremost a love story. The only people who would choose to name it a gay story first and foremost are saying so to minimize it or demean it.
You can be technically correct and still call it wrong.