- Submitted 1 year ago to | 10 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on Esther McVey mocked for trying to explain what ‘Minister for Common Sense’ is on Question Time 1 year ago:
id imagine shes there to offer views on things, and possibly part of a numbers game of political power for specific issues. She could be there as a fluffer or as a person to whip little idiots into line. Thats what that job is.
- Comment on Esther McVey mocked for trying to explain what ‘Minister for Common Sense’ is on Question Time 1 year ago:
i think its a waste of time, its playing the same tabloid game it was invented for. What shall we call this hire? Minister for Common Sense. Is that a real title/do we need to spend any time making it a real title? no, its common sense that her actual title is something much more boring and usual
- Comment on Esther McVey mocked for trying to explain what ‘Minister for Common Sense’ is on Question Time 1 year ago:
i have to defend her, although she is a massive bell. Minister Without Portfolio is a perfectly reasonable position in the cabinet, its just that calling it Minister for Common Sense is for the tabloid morons Sunak and Co are trying to win back. Shes been brought in to provide some extra eyes on different things, which is fine. The theory and the practice are often different and being rinsed by antiques roadshow hosts on live tv is cruel and inhumane treatment which we should be proud of opposing.
- Comment on James Dyson loses libel claim against Daily Mirror publisher 1 year ago:
youll take my french made blue passport from my cold dead hands
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on ‘Forever chemicals’ found in drinking water sources across England 1 year ago:
but there is no uncontaminated blood, its in everyone. Im just saying dont kid yourself
- Comment on London Mayoral Candidate Susan Hall gets wallet returned after she left it on a tube seat 1 year ago:
there used to be a big office at baker street with all the lost property. they had all sorts of stuff in there, medical students in euston used to steal body parts and leave them as pranks. Theres probably a few films on it. The upside to this story is ive been reminded of the existence of lost property rooms. Perhaps the Tory central office has been looking for a failed experiment called susan hall in the wrong places and shes been running about on the tube all along. By the time they arrive shes run away because of all the black people in her head trying to nick her oyster card
- Comment on ‘Forever chemicals’ found in drinking water sources across England 1 year ago:
something wrong with the logic. Donating blood might remove it from you but its going in somone else?
im also not convinced donating blood removes anything if its in your pancreas.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on ‘Forever chemicals’ found in drinking water sources across England 1 year ago:
invented by Teflon as a water proofing coating for ww2 tanks, PFAS was repackaged and sold as kitchen utensil coating since the 1950s and featured in the 2019 film Dark Water. Teflon knew about its carcinogenic nature as its own employees died or had deformed children. The chemical is present in every human on the planet and its passed through reproductive systems.
cheerful stuff
- Comment on Tommy Robinson sprayed by police during arrest at march against antisemitism 1 year ago:
bad smells need fabreeze