- Comment on AMD stops certifying monitors, TVs under 144 Hz for FreeSync 11 months ago:
If anything 60hz monitors benefit far more. Variable refreshes becomes a nonissue if your refresh rate is high enough that just waiting for the next frame isn’t too long. The case that benefits the most is when a game is running just below 60 fps on a 60hz screen and missing frames regularly, causing lots of stutter where it has to wait for 16ms. It’s a much smaller issue at 144hz since a delay of 7ms is relatively subtle.
- Comment on Is there a “proper“ way to say “6:05 AM”? 1 year ago:
I agree with you and Alexa, but you can always say “five past six” to avoid the [zer]o if it’s bothering you.
I remember on a German exchange at school the German student could not handle “oh” sounds in phone numbers at all. So it might be tricky for non native speakers (though I think they made more of a fuss from anger at how stupid English is than out of genuine confusion…)