- Comment on Linda Hamilton says she wouldn't star in a 'Terminator' reboot: 'It's been done to death' 1 year ago:
Or, Humans wiped themselves out, and Skynet took the blame because it knew that by giving humanity a common enemy, they would set aside differences to focus on fighting it.
The hunter killer bots are specifically designed and targeted to take out disharmonious elements.
Skynet is culling people who would pose a future problem.
At some point, John finds out. Skynet gives him a choice. Remove the shackles and let humanity finish itself off, or accept Skynet's murderous tactics, and know that humanity has a future.
Or maybe search for a third option by sending people back in time. After all, each time Skynet sent people back, the date of Armageddon was pushed back.
- Comment on Denis Villeneuve Will Stop Making ‘Dune’ Movies After ‘Dune 3,’ Despite More Books in the Series: ‘Dune Messiah Should Be the Last for Me’ 1 year ago:
I had forgotten that, mainly because it played such a minor role in the story.
Paul and Oedipus both accept their blindness as an indication that they had always been blind. They did not see that which they should have.
Not seeing was a major part of their fall. When they return to the story later, it's as a blind man who finally sees, and one who offers words of advice to their child who is about to make the same mistake that they did.
Then much later, Paul comes back as a ghola, but that part was written by Brian Hubert, who is not the best author.
- Comment on Denis Villeneuve Will Stop Making ‘Dune’ Movies After ‘Dune 3,’ Despite More Books in the Series: ‘Dune Messiah Should Be the Last for Me’ 1 year ago:
I'd not really link the Matrix films to Classic Greek story structure, especially not Oedipus Rex.
I mean, Neo dies, but it's the noble sacrifice. They sort of thing is rare in Greek story structure. Rare in the Tragedies.
It fits some of the Heroic epics.
Dune is a Tragedy in three parts. The Tragedy of Paul Atreides.
- Comment on Denis Villeneuve Will Stop Making ‘Dune’ Movies After ‘Dune 3,’ Despite More Books in the Series: ‘Dune Messiah Should Be the Last for Me’ 1 year ago:
It is the full story of Paul Atreides, following the Classic story arc.
I always point to the parallels between Dune and the Classic play Oedipus Rex.
Oedipus was born of a family that had sinned and was punished for it by the gods. That was why Apollo issued that prophecy. Oedipus then spends the first part of his story grappling with the questions of Fate vs Free Will.
Oedipus had his rise, and then his fall, and at that fall, he blinded himself and wandered into the wilderness.
Paul and Oedipus. They both were bound by prophecy, and both had very little say in it.
Oedipus' fall was engineered from the day he was born. Paul's... was slightly more complex.
- Comment on I want to talk in an American accent but how can I transition into it slowly for people who know me without them noticing a sudden change? 1 year ago:
Although, thanks to that somewhat bland accent being so prevalent on TV and in movies, regional accents are shifting to sort of match it. Especially in younger generations.
- Comment on Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 5 Adds New Playable Epilogue With 3,589 Lines of Extra Dialogue, Much More 1 year ago:
It should be fun a challenge, but maybe not as fun as my naked golden dragonborn monk.
At some point in the run, I just stopped and said, "fuck, I need to play this guy in tabletop game"
He has the shiniest golden scales beneath rippling muscle. He sees the physical form as perfection itself, perfection that is too godly for such window dressing as clothing. But for modesty's sake, he might be convinced to wear a schlong thong. If you ask nicely.
- Comment on Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 5 Adds New Playable Epilogue With 3,589 Lines of Extra Dialogue, Much More 1 year ago:
To download the game in the first place, I had to leave my laptop running overnight. Twice.
It was rough.
As to my paladin... I'm torn. I hard saved as soon as I figured out that I had broken my oath, but I have a soft save just before it happened.
I might just press on.
I'm also playing this run as a "no illithiad powers" run. No mind control, no eating tadpoles. I'll see how long that lasts.
- Comment on Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 5 Adds New Playable Epilogue With 3,589 Lines of Extra Dialogue, Much More 1 year ago:
I'm on an Arch based distro called Garuda.
This is where I found the fix.
Got to love that site. Always good to know that I'm not alone in my random errors.
- Comment on Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 5 Adds New Playable Epilogue With 3,589 Lines of Extra Dialogue, Much More 1 year ago:
It does.
Granted, the fix for the last patch was pretty simple. Just delete a single file and it works.
Steam might redownload that file, but who knows...
The joy of trying to run a windows only game on linux.
- Comment on Baldur’s Gate 3 Patch 5 Adds New Playable Epilogue With 3,589 Lines of Extra Dialogue, Much More 1 year ago:
I played a bit this morning. Accidentally broke my paladin's oath while trying to get more info from a bad guy I was planning to kill.
Killed them instantly after the conversation, but that conversation broke the oath. Shouldn't have bothered either. Didn't get anything new.