- Comment on A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible. 7 hours ago:
“Data structures called hash tables”? Editor thinks this is some arcane little-used data technology.
Hashes are used in literally every programming language that’s worth using.
- Comment on Russia VPN Crackdown Revelation - VPN Sites Hide Their IP Addresses 1 week ago:
Russia having a blocklist full of Cloudflare IP addresses is almost normal too.
Sure, let’s just block all of Cloudflare. Or Azure. Or AWS. I’m sure that won’t end up blocking half of the internet at all.
- Comment on Tech Execs Plead for Great Firewall of America to Protect Them Against Scary Chinese AI 1 week ago:
Instead of embracing this gift of open-source, they desperately cling to the old monopolies.
Fuck them. AI is in the people’s hands now. OpenAI is old tech now.
Why should mega-wealthy investors pour billions of dollars into this shitty old technology that doesn’t turn a profit?
- Comment on Google’s counteroffer to the government trying to break it up is unbundling Android apps 1 month ago:
I’m sure Google will drag this around until the end of January, when suddenly they don’t have to do anything.
- Comment on WordPress Forces Users to Agree That Pineapple Is Good on Pizza 1 month ago:
I don’t understand why people keep harping against pineapple on pizza, which works well as a sweet/salty contrast, but completely ignore when America was obsessed with anchovies on pizza.
If anything, that would be a topping that even less of the population would agree on being good on pizza.
- Comment on UnitedHealth's Optum left an AI chatbot, used by employees to ask questions about claims, exposed to the internet 1 month ago:
It’s one-letter away from Opium.
- Comment on Man who won art competition with AI-generated image now says people are stealing his work 4 months ago:
You can convince people that AI is capable of original works, or you can convince people that AI is nothing but a tool to remix and mashup other people’s artwork.
What is original and what is a remix and mashup of other people’s artwork? For every example of “original artwork” you could provide, I can show you how it’s derivative of other people’s artwork.
We’ve been copying and remixing creative ideas for centuries. There’s no such thing as “original works”.
- Comment on X fails to avoid Australia child safety fine by arguing Twitter doesn’t exist 4 months ago:
So, what’s the fine here? $350?
- Comment on The Internet Archive’s Fight to Save Itself 4 months ago:
while OpenAI & friends have been infringing copyright on a much, much bigger scale, and getting away with it.
Based on what? Distributing numbers in a big database doesn’t infringe on copyright, and downloading a web page or image doesn’t either.
- Comment on The Internet Archive’s Fight to Save Itself 4 months ago:
And I am of the opinion that spreading access to knowledge is vastly more important than copyright laws made decades before the internet was a thing. Especially when is comes to US copyright laws being forced upon the rest of the world.
Breaking the law is not how you change copyright laws. Ironically, AI is the best way to crack copyright laws like an egg, but everybody seems to be vehemently opposed to it.
- Comment on The Internet Archive’s Fight to Save Itself 4 months ago:
Not sure why this is getting downvoted. It’s completely accurate.
They pushed this “digital library” idea to even beyond their own definition, got punished for it, and now they are at-risk of losing their core function. Corporations and alt-right shills would love to get rid of any trace of accountability, and this is one avenue that calls them out on the bad shit they post online.
- Comment on Due to AI fakes, the “deep doubt” era is here 4 months ago:
- Comment on Microsoft’s Recall AI feature won’t be available for Windows testers until October 5 months ago:
Can’t we just have it not available? At all? I don’t think people want a bunch of screenshots getting stolen.
- Comment on Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week 5 months ago:
“Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week”
Yes, you’re right. There isn’t a thing that requires this. You shouldn’t be required to do so.
The problem with naming a company an idiotic name like “Nothing” is that it’s so easy to make who’s-on-first jokes.
- Comment on The FCC proposes requiring robocallers to disclose when they’re using AI 5 months ago:
Let’s go one step further and require robocallers to disclose that they are robocallers.
- Comment on It May Soon Be Legal to Jailbreak AI to Expose How it Works 6 months ago:
I’m sure they will take this opportunity to expand the DMCA to unbelievable levels.
- Comment on Judge says FTC lacks authority to issue rule banning noncompete agreements 7 months ago:
- Comment on Japan achieves staggering 402 Tb/s data rate with commercial optical fiber — record-breaking performance tapped into unused wavelength bands 7 months ago:
Not enough RAID? Insert more RAID!
- Comment on Microsoft open-sources infamously weird, RAM-hungry MS-DOS 4.00 release 9 months ago:
Even if they were, it would be easy to just decompile and figure it out. Even DOS 5.0 would make more sense to open-source.
This is just another argument to revert copyright laws back to 25 years, and give this tech back to the rightful owners: public domain.
- Comment on Generating (often non-con) porn is the new crypto mining 9 months ago:
Ahhh, yes, this damned 404 Media article again. I’m not going to re-hash my arguments here.
- Comment on NYC’s AI Chatbot Tells Businesses to Break the Law 10 months ago:
LLMs are still good for the kind of flowery language you need in HR, but not for any sort of fact-based generation.
Think of it as being creative, not logical.
- Comment on U.S.: Responding to the “gunshot detection” tool ShotSpotter, a Chicago police officer opened fire on an unarmed teenager 10 months ago:
I know they aren’t from the US, because an American wouldn’t ask such nationally-ignorant questions.
- Comment on U.S.: Responding to the “gunshot detection” tool ShotSpotter, a Chicago police officer opened fire on an unarmed teenager 10 months ago:
What is even the purpose of this post? If you’re going to be so ignorant of US history, at least don’t act so high and mighty about your implications.
How do Americans still allow guns to be so easily available?
The 2nd Amendment, for one. It’s a constitutional amendment that hasn’t changed since the Constitution was written. It’s also the 2nd, and not say, the 20th. It requires a 2/3rds majority in Congress to change a constitutional amendment, and that sure as fuck ain’t happening with today’s batshit crazy GOP. They can’t even keep their own party together with the right-wing crazies having fights with the extremely-right wing House majority leaders because they have the gall to “compromise”, which is the whole fucking point of Congress.
Besides, all of this talk of “banning guns” is unproductive. If you want to make change, start with regulations. Canada’s got a shit ton of guns, and nobody’s bitching about them, because they are properly regulated.
Isn’t it well past the point where incidents involving guns should almost never happen?
What the fuck does this question even mean? Is what “well past the point”? Why would “incidents involving guns” should almost never happen? Brits have gun bans, and they still have gun incidents.
Banning a thing doesn’t make it go away. I thought we learned this shit with the War on (some) Drugs.
- Comment on YouTube stops recommending videos when signed out of Google 11 months ago:
Or SSSniperWolf.
- Comment on Google now wants to limit the AI-powered search spam it helped create 11 months ago:
Let’s be real here: Even without AI, 99% of human-generated content is still shit.
- Comment on The AI wars heat up with Claude 3, claimed to have “near-human” abilities 11 months ago:
Claude writing self-promoting articles about Claude? I’d believe it!
- Comment on The AI wars heat up with Claude 3, claimed to have “near-human” abilities 11 months ago:
How big of a paycheck did the “journalist” get paid on this one?
- Comment on Should we ban ransom payments? 11 months ago:
Banning a thing doesn’t make a thing go away.
- Comment on Mr Robot: Full Series Retrospective 11 months ago:
Yea, it makes me miss /r/itsaunixsystem a bit. We would make fun of bad TV computer hacks, but Mr. Robot was the one show that stayed true to actual hacking and social engineering. Every time somebody tried to post a screenshot from the series and say that it was Hollywood fakery, it would get a bunch of responses back sourcing the real thing.
- Submitted 11 months ago to moviesandtv@lemm.ee | 2 comments