- Comment on Following the nightmare footage of AI-loy, Horizon actor Ashly Burch shares her stance on the whole debacle 1 week ago:
Honest question. Why does the whole internet seem to be coalescing around the relatively small number if artists who might lose work over AI when there’s probably millions of people, if not more, who stand to lose their jobs in other sectors? AI powered voices could add a lot to a game, it could be great having completely dynamic speech.
- Comment on Britain Orders Apple to Build a Backdoor Into Your iPhone 1 month ago:
Won’t happen. Waste of time and taxpayer money.
- Comment on EA will shut down the Origin app on April 2025 — company asks users to migrate to the new EA app 2 months ago:
It’s not clear, am I going to lose games if I don’t do this?
- Comment on Funded in 5 minutes - the open source modular mini computer 'Pilet' is on Kickstarter 2 months ago:
They don’t look like this.
- Comment on Looks like Valve is preparing to release SteamOS to the public (or at least to third-party hardware manufacturers) 3 months ago:
I’m out of the loop and I don’t own a deck but didn’t Valve have a Linux OS years ago?
- Comment on Ubisoft responds to rumors about Tencent’s potential buyout 5 months ago:
Outlaws seems totally fixable. I think people would likely start picking it up if they sorted out the boring missions.
- Comment on Oasis ticketing chaos prompts probe into dynamic pricing 6 months ago:
I’m more pissed that I sat in line for five hours then when I had the tickets in my basket the site crapped out and I got kicked.
- Comment on Braid: Anniversary Edition has sold so poorly that "the future is uncertain" for Jonathan Blow's company 7 months ago:
Well everyone who’s heard of it probably owns it and the new edition just added better graphics and all that behind the scenes stuff nobody ever cares about. I thought many parts of the OG game looked better in SD than HD anyway.
- Comment on Here’s how much Valve pays its staff — and how few people it employs 8 months ago:
I must be doing something wrong with the maths. In 2021 it says they paid $76,000,000 in salaries to the Steam department, but only had 79 employees. Doesn’t that mean they earnt nearly $1,000,000 each?
- Comment on End of support for Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7 | October 2025 for Windows 10 9 months ago:
Is there going to be a way to keep using it?
- Comment on The Unknown: Horror Movie Based on Unofficial Willy Wonka Experience Is in the Works 1 year ago:
And the scripts for the actors and the 17 books the organiser self-published on Amazon?
- Comment on Isn’t the use of strict behaviorism to explain animals kind of obnoxious? 1 year ago:
Animals are idiots.
- Comment on ‘The Grand Tour’ Not Moving Forward at Amazon Prime Video With Hosts Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond 1 year ago:
I still don’t understand why they spent so much time scripting everything when the improvised stuff was so much better. I’d love it if they just came back with some low budget special where they try to drive some £50 car from Glasgow to Basingstoke.