- Comment on Teachers warn AI is impacting students' critical thinking 5 hours ago:
AI is not like calculators. Calculators are simple, it’s purpose is clear and it’s easy to asses the extent to which it fulfills it, they are also open source, if anything because they are easy to reverse engineer. AI is a closed source product meant to be commodified or served as a service for a profit by private companies. They are monumental proyects built on tons of energy and patented material unduly acknowledged, nobody knows how they really work and there’s neither public funding for research nor open source ecosystems to provide alternatives. Their owners dont care about kids and their skills, they care for money. So the problem is not that we are ignoring the ai wave, the problem is that the wave is being steered by a private actor over whom we as a society have no control. Even if you wanted to teach kids to use ai intelligently, nothing garantees you actually can, since its owner may declare banktupcy or just change it without saying and you will have a new problem to deal with. So yeah fuck ai. I’m a robotics teacher in middle school and I do teach ai btw, I just dont encourage it’s use. I just teach how it works and how to use it as a better search engine. This is more so because I have to rather than because I want to.
- Comment on Teachers warn AI is impacting students' critical thinking 20 hours ago:
Sure! Here’s an analysis of how AI may impact critical thinking in students: A lot of students have been known to use AI to write their essays and homework, which may have a negative impact in their learning process, since they are not using their own skills to think about their assignments. This has been reported several times in the media, specially because sometimes students forget to erase the first lines of the AI answers, which are typically directed to the user, and make it easier to detect that the answer was produced by AI.
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