I’m just here for the free vacation.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Previously not much of a gamer, I saw all the Starfield hype around release and decided to get an Xbox to play it. Didn’t like it initially, started to enjoy it around 5 hours in, have come full circle and am getting bored now (level 35) with all the repetitive stuff.
Starfield did show me that maybe i enjoy a wider range of video games, so now I’m starting on Fallout 4, and so far I LOVE it. I’ve pretty much only done one mission and spent a looooooong time building my first base.
I really love open world/exploration games, especially where there is crafting, hoarding, and killing bad guys in comical ways. Just Cause was amazing for that, I liked tethering people to trains because I’m secretly a maniac.