- Comment on FCC to get Republican majority and plans to “delete” as many rules as possible 1 week ago:
You’re on the hook for the coffin, too.
- Comment on The GOP's Jim Jordan subpoenas Adobe, Alphabet, Amazon, Anthropic PBC, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia, Open AI, Salesforce and others over alleged Biden pressure to use AI to “censor lawful speech”. 1 week ago:
How ironic that Gym Jordan is investigating something related to suppression of information.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 mod for Stardew Valley is out now 2 weeks ago:
“I can fix him” might be the trope you’re looking for
- Comment on Free tense horror game Those Who Crawl about exploring shrinking caves added Linux / Steam Deck support 1 month ago:
This is my game! It was made for me!
- Comment on Bioware Is "Downsizing" As It Transitions To Mass Effect 5 1 month ago:
Always a good sign for upcoming projects. Be sure to get rid of the people that do facial animations!
- Comment on GM banned from selling your driving data for five years 2 months ago:
So long enough for everybody to forget about it and then for GM to precede as usual.
- Comment on Elon Musk says too many game studios are owned by giant corporations so his giant corporation is going to start a studio to 'make games great again' 3 months ago:
Good thing he’s not a giant corporation.
Does he think Wolfenstein needs to be told from the other side?
- Comment on Sony is reportedly working on a PS5 portable 3 months ago:
So a bunch of exclusive games get stuck on it like they did with the PSP? I hope not.
- Comment on DOJ to ask judge to force Google to sell off Chrome 4 months ago:
Just like how nutrition labels solved obesity? And carbon footprints solved climate change? Individual choice and responsibility aren’t good solutions to systemic problems. They’re usually championed by businesses to avoid responsibility.
- Comment on Valve must address swastikas and other hate on Steam, writes US senator in a letter to Gabe Newell 4 months ago:
It’s a real problem. I’ve seen forum posts calling for the extermination of minorities.
- Comment on Valve must address swastikas and other hate on Steam, writes US senator in a letter to Gabe Newell 4 months ago:
You’re apparently unfamiliar with the concept of the open letter or writing to a specific person instead of just spewing garbage out a general agency. It’s not uncommon.
The Hinduism excuse really doesn’t fly most of the time, especially when we’re talking about hate speech. It’s pedantic and weaselly and does not pass the smell test.
Unsafe could mean, for an examples I have seen on steam forums, that minorities get harassed or told they should be exterminated. Just like Nazis should be scared to be in public IRL, they shouldn’t have safe spaces online either.
I know by your language you already have your mind made up and probably have a real strong opinion on ethics in gaming journalism, but extremism is a real problem.
I don’t really want to engage with people like you, so I won’t be responding further, but I didn’t really want to leave your bs unchallenged.
- Comment on FTC reports 50% drop in unwanted call complaints since 2021 4 months ago:
Is this because the FTC does fuck all to curb them so people know it’s useless?
- Comment on Indestructible quartz crystal can store 360TB of data for billions of years 5 months ago:
The ‘5D’ in the name comes from the fact that, unlike 2D markings on a piece of paper or tape, this method uses two optical dimensions and three spatial coordinates to write throughout the material.
Went to the article seeking answers but got only more questions.
- Comment on Americans used record 100 trillion megabytes of wireless data in 2023 6 months ago:
In what resolution? Lossy or lossless compression?
- Comment on 42 US states support call for social media warning labels 6 months ago:
Systemic problem? Sounds like a job for individual solution! /s
- Comment on FTC urged to make smart devices say how long they will be supported 6 months ago:
“We will no longer support this even though me promised ten more years. Here’s a $10 credit to your account, which is more than we have to do because of our TOS, and it’s more than you should expect because of the binding arbitration clause.”
Making them say how long something will be supported means nothing without controls on TOSes. It’s just a way to push the responsibility onto consumers.
Forcing companies to make things work even without on Internet connection seems like a good step, though implications for DRM and video games are interesting.
- Comment on Police pulled over a Waymo car that drove in the oncoming lane in Phoenix 8 months ago:
It’ll just have a string of complaints from citizens about the fine not being implemented while in sits there for years.
- Comment on Binit is bringing AI to trash 9 months ago:
Worked for Wonka with Veruca, but he had literal golden geese amounts of money.
- Comment on Robots that know if we’re sad or happy are coming | Biometric Update 11 months ago:
Please take your verification antidepressants.