- Comment on Best Way to Clone Micro SD Card Linux? 4 weeks ago:
I have yet to destroy my computer using gparted
Though that’s 100% possible, Bringus actually destroyed his system drive on a laptop by being impatient while using gparted
- Comment on Fedora threatened with legal action from OBS Studio due to their Flatpak packaging 1 month ago:
What’s the point of having your own flatpak repo when the whole point of flatpak is that it doesn’t matter what distro you have, you get access to all apps? Especially when that repo has like a quarter of the apps on flathub.
What’s worse is that flathub isn’t even enabled by default (at least on Fedora KDE)
- Comment on How good is the performance for video editing? 1 month ago:
Looking at your old PC specs it should be fine, but keep in mind that davinci resolve is the only big video editor that supports Linux (there’s also kdenlive, but it’s not as popular)
- Comment on Too loud? 2 months ago:
Device overheats?
You’re using it wrong!
- Comment on 64GB and 512GB Steam Deck LCD models are 15% off until July 11th, 10 AM PDT 8 months ago:
I like how they translated everything to Russian (even the time the sale ends is in Moscow time) even though they don’t sell it in Russia
- Comment on 64GB and 512GB Steam Deck LCD models are 15% off until July 11th, 10 AM PDT 8 months ago:
I don’t even use a screen protector on my phone