The catarrhine who invented a perpetual motion machine, by dreaming at night and devouring its own dreams through the day.
- Comment on Paradox date Stellaris 4.0, a "phoenix update" to attract new players and improve performance 1 day ago:
I’m pretty sure they mean The Company Formerly Known As Electronic Arts.
Exactly. (I should’ve used its full name, now I get where Madbrad200 got that “early access” thing.)
- Comment on Paradox date Stellaris 4.0, a "phoenix update" to attract new players and improve performance 1 day ago:
I know Stellaris isn’t an early access title. And it shows the same problems as EU4: Paradox is so invested on milking players through a predatory DLC policy that the game becomes a sloppy mess of feature creep, without any sort of consistent design behind the new features. Just like EA loves doing, except with a niche genre.
it’s also probably their best managed game.
Given how poorly managed the other games are, might as well say “so far the poor management is a bit more bearable”.
- Comment on Paradox date Stellaris 4.0, a "phoenix update" to attract new players and improve performance 1 day ago:
Hipsters’ EA is hyping a game update. “Wohoo”.
…seriously, I’m not touching anything Paradox does with a 3m pole.
- Comment on A court has rejected Elon Musk's request for a temporary injunction against OpenAI, OpenAI says Elon Musk "is finding out, facts matter - especially in court". 1 week ago:
I hope that it haunts OpenAI.
- Comment on A Reddit moderation tool is flagging ‘Luigi’ as potentially violent content 2 weeks ago:
Luixi Manxone. Lvigi. The CEO buster. Green Mario (thanks expatriado!). Crappy Yoshi.
- Comment on A Reddit moderation tool is flagging ‘Luigi’ as potentially violent content 2 weeks ago:, prepare yourself for the influx of new members.
Also, can we “appreciate” how dumb this sort of word filter is? You don’t even need to choose between false positives (e.g. “Luigi’s Mansion” gets flagged) and false positives (e.g. people say “LM” and it doesn’t get flagged), you got both at the same time.
(BTW if you want to avoid this sort of dumb word filter, just mix some Cyrillic letters into your word. “Luigi” would get flagged, but I bet that “Luіgі” wouldn’t.)
- Comment on DuckDuckGo says AI answers are out of beta and now get info from across the web, not just Wikipedia; setting AI answers to “often” shows them ~20% of the time. 2 weeks ago:
I use a fair bit, but I’ve turned the Assist to “Never”. I’m fine with AI tools, as long as I explicitly requested their usage, so for me this is the best.
- Comment on [Video] Mozilla lost touch with reality; how becoming rich through failure stunts mental & emotional growth 3 weeks ago:
Ladybird is IMO a step in the right direction; specially if they’re able to release the alpha in 2026, otherwise they might be stuck chasing the Sun indefinitely*. However it is not enough - we should be seeing a situation where anyone reasonably motivated and knowledgeable should be able to pull out their own browser, it shouldn’t be restricted to big projects with big sponsors.
*I feel like web standards change so much not due to the underlying tech actually requiring them to do so, but to raise the entry of barrier of new competitors.
- Comment on [Video] Mozilla lost touch with reality; how becoming rich through failure stunts mental & emotional growth 3 weeks ago:
I have a feeling that the “ancient convoluted code base” that exists for backwards compatibility isn’t convoluted or hard to maintain at all; rather the new features are, because they include everything and the kitchen sink, as necessary for the big new websites.
- Comment on [Video] Mozilla lost touch with reality; how becoming rich through failure stunts mental & emotional growth 3 weeks ago:
Around 1:00, he hits the jackpot: Mozilla sucks at communication, they always send mixed signals to the userbase. I also like what he said near the end, about getting money even if you do stupid shit.
I’ve seen people proposing to fork Firefox, to “fork” Mozilla, but what I feel like we need is to fork the very concept of a web browser.
Web browsers became such convoluted beasts that it is not feasible, in 2025, to create a new web engine; unless you have lots of money and no desire for more (both things are incompatible). And yet due to Pareto principle I expect that only a fraction of that complexity is truly necessary - with the rest being imposed by Google-fuelled standards.
- Comment on Microsoft's ad-supported version of Office only saves to OneDrive 4 weeks ago:
I feel like most news about Microsoft nowadays can be TL;DR as “this would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad.” Including this one - it sounds like Microsoft is trying its hardest to raise the walls of its own walled garden, and failing hard at it.
- Comment on Evolution sim Thrive adds radioactive chunks, environmental tolerances and thermosynthesis 4 weeks ago:
There’s even a new full thermosynthesis implementation meaning you can use temperature to generate energy
Does this mean they reworked the thermoplasts? Because thermosynthesis was already in the game.
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 5 weeks ago:
righteous crusade […] moral outrage… [diabolical] …
Now you’re just putting words in my mouth.
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 5 weeks ago:
Google is dictating “This is how it’s referred to by one of the two countries encompassing the gulf”.
It’s also dictating that one name should be seen as as valid as the other. When it’s simply not the case.
it’s not like they’re some malevolent actor trying to get one over on the righteous hero either.
They’re doing this because money. And it’s still the wrong thing, regardless of “malevolence” or not.
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 5 weeks ago:
Elsewhere it’s referred to either Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America) or Gulf of America (Gulf of Mexico).
Except that people don’t call it “Gulf of America” in those other places, even if Google is going out of its way to list it as if they did. Google is dictating “you should consider this a valid alternate name for the gulf”, and Sheinbaum is fighting against it.
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 5 weeks ago:
Nah, Sheinbaum is in the right here.
It is not about controlling a language, but barring the attempts of someone else (Google Inc.) to control how multiple languages refer to international waters.
- Comment on Google is on the Wrong Side of History. 5 weeks ago:
To be more specific, Google is destroying value to generate profit.
Google’s value comes from people using it, relying on it, and not opposing it too much when Google wants to do something. For that you need trust; and while well-informed people already didn’t trust Google to die properly, now even the general public is catching up.
And, sure, making weapons is damn profitable! Except that Google’s participation relies on its "A"I models. And you’re going to have a hard time training those models once everyone and their dog runs tools like Nepenthes and Nightshade, designed to screw up with your bot training.
- Comment on Trump says new US sovereign wealth fund could purchase TikTok 1 month ago:
I’m not. I don’t pay taxes to USA. I’m mostly watching this roll out while eating popcorn.
Locally [Brazil] speaking, if the United-Statian government bought TikTok, I wonder what the judiciary would do, given that it blocked Twitter for a month.
- Comment on Trump says new US sovereign wealth fund could purchase TikTok 1 month ago:
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Monday to create a U.S. sovereign wealth fund and suggested that it could be used to purchase TikTok. […] Trump has said previously it could be funded by “tariffs and other intelligent things,” per Reuters.
So. Taxpayers pay taxes → taxes go to fund → taxes are used to buy TikTok, probably at inflated prices (like Musk buying Twitter). And likely with the same type of censorship coming from the alleged “free speech warriors”.
…aren’t those same guys who babble all the time about “free market”?
- Comment on Chatbot Software Begins to Face Fundamental Limitations. 1 month ago:
It’s relevant to note that this sort of inferential logic is essential to language; we [humans] use this all the time, and we expect each other to use it. It is a necessary part for a language model; otherwise you have a grammar bot instead.
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 1 month ago:
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 1 month ago:
I asked GPT-4o mini to generate two AITA posts. They’re undistinguishable from the bullshit typically posted there!
AITA for not inviting my sister to my wedding after she made a big deal about my engagement?
Hi Reddit, I (28F) recently got engaged to my fiancé (30M), and while I’m over the moon, my excitement has been somewhat overshadowed by my sister (32F). When I shared the news with my family, I expected everyone to be happy for us, but my sister reacted very differently. Instead of congratulating us, she made a huge scene, saying that I was rushing into things and that I should be focusing on my career instead of getting married. She went on to criticize my fiancé, saying he wasn’t good enough for me and that I could do better. It was really hurtful, especially coming from someone I’ve always looked up to. After that, I decided to keep my engagement low-key and not share too many details with her. I thought maybe she just needed time to process the news. However, she continued to make snide comments whenever we spoke, and it felt like she was trying to undermine my happiness. Fast forward to now, I’m in the midst of planning my wedding, and I’ve decided not to invite her. I feel like her negativity would only bring me down on what should be one of the happiest days of my life. My parents are upset with my decision and think I should at least give her a chance to be there, but I just can’t shake the feeling that she doesn’t deserve to be part of this celebration. AITA for not inviting my sister to my wedding?
AITA for refusing to babysit my sister's kids after she constantly criticizes my parenting choices?
Hi Reddit, I (30F) have a sister (28F) who has two kids, ages 4 and 6. I love my niece and nephew, and I’ve always been happy to help out when my sister needs a babysitter. However, over the past year, she has become increasingly critical of my parenting choices, even though I don’t have kids of my own. Whenever I share my thoughts on parenting or how I plan to raise my future kids, she often dismisses my opinions and tells me I’m wrong. She frequently compares my hypothetical parenting style to hers, saying things like, “You’ll see how hard it is when you actually have kids,” or “That’s not how you should do it.” It’s frustrating because I’m just trying to have a conversation, and I feel like she’s belittling my perspective. Recently, she asked me to babysit her kids for a weekend while she and her husband go on a trip. I initially agreed, but then I started to think about how she’s treated me lately. I decided to decline the offer, explaining that I didn’t feel comfortable babysitting when she constantly criticizes my views on parenting. Now, she’s upset with me and has told our parents that I’m being selfish and unsupportive. They think I should just suck it up and help her out, but I feel like I’m standing up for myself. AITA for refusing to babysit my sister’s kids because of her constant criticism?
- Comment on Meta warns that it will fire leakers in leaked memo 1 month ago:
If your employees feel such a urge to leak info into the public, and such info causes such a negative ruckus against your corporation, “perhaps” it’s because the employees recognise that the corporation is against the overall best interests of society and, even if they can’t simply quit, still want to do something about it?
- Comment on Put your thinking cap on for Fallacy Quiz a game that will test your reasoning skills 1 month ago:
Sounds like a cool premise for an educative game. I hope that it’s fun too, but usually you play this sort of game to learn, not to say “OMG I HAD A BLAST YESTERDAY PLAYING IT!”.
- Comment on Facebook flags Linux topics as 'cybersecurity threats' — posts and users being blocked 1 month ago:
I’ve seen a lot of people trying to guess if this was the result of some AI mod false positive or intentional. Well, it doesn’t really matter here, because:
- Meta is in a position that it should be held responsible for what it promotes vs. what it silences. “We HaD GoOd InTeNsHunS” my arse, go pave Hell with them.
- Meta apparently is a-OK removing protections against hate speech, because some dictator of some taco country demanded. But apparently the system (be it surplus value-based or slop-based) still works for other stuff?
I think that society as a whole should fight back against this shit. Since everyone and their dog is blocking Twitter now, perhaps Faecesbook + Threats + Instaslop should be the next?
- Comment on Elon Musk email to X staff: ‘we’re barely breaking even’ 1 month ago:
I’m saying that they should be blamed for condoning Nazism; not that they are themselves Nazi. The difference is important here because one does not automatically mean the other.
Also, the ones that are validating people to join the alt right are the people already in the alt right. Not the ones saying “you muppet you’re helping those fuckers by staying in this shithole”.
- Comment on Elon Musk email to X staff: ‘we’re barely breaking even’ 1 month ago:
Start associating the site with Nazism, and the people still using the site as condoning Nazism.
- Comment on Nintendo omits original Donkey Kong Country Returns team from the remaster’s credits 2 months ago:
It’s less vague than it looks like - they’re restricting credits to people actively involved in the development process of the specific game, with no regards to the others, even if without those others the game wouldn’t exist. It’s feigned politeness at its finest.
- Comment on Copyright Industry Wants To Apply Automated Blocking To The Internet’s Core Routers 2 months ago:
If Anatel is granted this “right” you can be bloody sure that it’d abuse it, because it’s basically a mafia branch of the government created to defend the interests of local large telecommunication businesses - the same ones that got wrecked by the internet itself making them compete with media from the whole world.
- Comment on Steam is adding a new default option for game updates 3 months ago:
And even in some more benign situations, such as when playing modded. Steam replacing a modded older version with a newer vanilla one is annoying.