- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
Look at my other comment, and stop saying that I like windows I don’t. But i live in reality unlike you
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
I don’t know how to tell you, but these benchmarks doesn’t say anything if there’s not any technical discussion. Sometimes yes games run better on linux, and the reasons are not that linux is faster. It has to do with mainly two reasons, dx10 or dx11 might cause bottleneck that is resolved by the translation layer in vk3d, for games that have that issue. Second all the features of dx is not supported, you might think that the game looks ok in linux while it looks and feels different on windows. You might have shadows or lightning that is rendered differently, you put your graphics settings on ultra and on windows that might include hdr and linux it doesn’t exist. So of course the games run faster if it doesn’t have to do the same work. The game literally runs through a translation layer, it’s not fucking magic.
You think a youtube video or some fucking idiot at Forbes is going to convince me.
This is a benchmark that you can trust.…/nvidia2022-windows11-linux
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
What did I get, random blog with the most basic Comparison? The title of the blog is which OS is the best, yeah I expect a lot of high level Quality from an article like that.
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
Where talking about gaming on the os, not the os itself.
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
You send some shit article, like wtf is that all you have?
Yes I have a hard time finding benchmarks where the game runs faster on linux, are you going to find some blog post again?
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
I’m not a windows user, I would be considered more of a power user, because I use it professionally and at home, both handling servers and software development. Don’t get me wrong I hate windows user interface more then anything. But I’m not in denial, windows kernel is a very good kernel for gaming, it has a lot of features that doesn’t exist yet. Where do you think the kernel devs for linux take their inspiration from, my god they are adding stuff like windows NT thread primitives to the linux kernel.
First of all, you’re just making up stuff, you have no idea what the code base of the Microsoft kernel looks like. Second, who do you think develops the linux kernel, a lot of them are Microsoft engineers, most linux kernel devs nowadays are hired by big tech companies, because they all have a stake in linux, it’s one of the main reasons why linux is evolving so rapidly.
Third looking from the outside the Microsoft kernel is pretty amazing for what it does, backwards compatible, you can still run windows 98 software on windows 11, it’s fast and efficient, you have yet to prove that it’s slower than linux.
Bro no large or medium sized government entities are using anything else, even if they do, it’s for a little while and then they go back. You know why? Microsoft office, exchange, outlook, there is no other good alternative, good lucking telling their employees that they are going to learn libre office and linux. They can’t even handle windows properly.
Most if them have already spent years building their infrastructure around windows and Microsoft office suite, and they are not changing anytime soon.
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
The bloatware is not the point!!
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
Show me the benchmarks, stop changing topic.
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
Bloat is in the form av pre installed software and services that can be turned of, Windows is not slow or resource hungry.
You’re the one contradicting yourself when you’re saying that linux requires a Translation layer. And the translations are not always 1:1. Please show me the benchmarks.
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
How is it a contradiction, theres bloat software installed on windows, which can be disabled? Ubuntu to me is also bloated but that doesn’t mean that the OS is slow.
Yes they can be disabled, do you think governmental entities would run windows without being able to disable a lot of the features?
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
I understand what you’re saying, but that doesn’t have to be true. Many of the games are made to be run on windows, windows is still a effecient os, it’s just a lot of bloat, which can be disabled. Also a lot of optimizations in nt has been done for gaming, features which are missing in the linux kernel, but there are RFCs to add nt like synchronization primitives, in the linux kernel.
- Comment on Atari are now publishers for the whole RollerCoaster Tycoon series, after buying missing 2004 sequel for $7m 11 months ago:
Atari hotels - some gaming hotel project. They made their stocks private some big buyer wanted to have majority of the company but that failed, other owners weren’t willing to sell. And that is all I know.