- Comment on US classifies South Korea as ‘sensitive country,’ limiting cooperation on advanced tech. 1 week ago:
Wow. Waao. This is something. SK infiltrated potentially by enemies of the USA?
- Comment on New Chinese Hacking Campaign Targets Manufacturing Firms to Steal IP 5 weeks ago:
The amount of effort the West puts into stopping the free flow of useful information is ridiculous. It boggles my mind to think about how much money in total has been spent on research, development, lobbying, monitoring, deployment, enforcement, adjudicating, mediating, communicating, branding, marketing, selling, consulting, repairing, PR, auditing, planning, testing, debating, hiring, firing, managing, and everything else JUST for DRM technologies.
- Comment on USA| Trump’s FCC chair investigates NPR and PBS, urges Congress to defund them 1 month ago:
The number of people that are going to be unemployed in the next 90 days as a direct result of this administration’s decisions is truly astounding.
- Comment on It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Comcast 3 months ago:
Storage is cheap even when you need high volume. It’s literally the cheapest component in the architecture. High performance, in this context, is about replication and caching. Replication is expensive because of network utilization, caching is expensive because of the high demand. Neither are really a function of how much content is stored but about how much content is demanded. If I were to guess, likely less than 10% of all of YouTube’s content makes up 95% of its costs.
- Comment on It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Comcast 3 months ago:
Storage is the cheapest thing of all the things.
- Comment on Elizabeth Warren wants to investigate whether VeriSign is ripping off customers and violating antitrust laws. 3 months ago:
Yes, verisign is ripping people off. Yes it’s violating antitrust. It’s definitely colluding.
- Comment on Signal gets new video call features, making it a viable alternative to Zoom, Meet and Teams 4 months ago:
Disagree. Consider that Pegasus’s vector was very often specially crafted SMS payloads.