- Comment on Paradox delay Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 yet again because technical quality is "more important" than sticking to a date 18 hours ago:
I get that delays are frustrating but I never really understood why gamers get so irate about them. Honestly, yes; quality is more important than sticking to a date. Why would anyone want a worse game sooner?
- Comment on Leaked video shows PlayStation toying with Aloy from Horizon as an AI chatbot 2 weeks ago:
I feel so bad for anybody creative in that industry :/ imagine being a writer for the Horizon series and seeing some fucking suit plugging AI into a character you’ve put months of work into and going “look what ChatGPT can do!”
I get it bad enough at work but fuck, that’s heartbreaking.
- Comment on 'Ending that completely': Facebook gets rid of fact-checkers in wake of Trump's election 2 months ago:
Mark Zuckerberg was caught sucking off a gnome on runway 16R/34L of Denver International Airport last night, causing massive disruption and delaying several flights.
- Comment on BBC complains to Apple over misleading shooting headline 3 months ago:
AI being shit?? No way, knock me down with a feather, never seen that before
- Comment on The Warframe devs want you to come try their luxurious fantasy action-RPG Soulframe 4 months ago:
What is your problem lol
- Comment on The Warframe devs want you to come try their luxurious fantasy action-RPG Soulframe 4 months ago:
I don’t play Warframe either but that’s not what I was commenting on.
- Comment on The Warframe devs want you to come try their luxurious fantasy action-RPG Soulframe 4 months ago:
I don’t understand why you’re acting so hostile :/
- Comment on God of War Ragnarok PC port suffers review bombing on Steam due to PlayStation Network account requirement 5 months ago:
Remember when this happened with Helldivers and a bunch of people switched their review back from negative to positive when Sony backed off the requirement? Because they’d “learned their lesson”? Lol
- Comment on Become an aging court jester trapped in a cyclical hell at the whims of a fickle audience in Conan Throwbrien 7 months ago:
I love the look of this