- Comment on Using the Steam Deck docked has been a dreadful experience for me. Is it just me going wrong? 2 days ago:
I had the no audio issue once. It “fixed” itself after I shut down my deck, connected it via a different dock I have lying around from my switch, rebooted and switched over to the original dock again.
Don’t ask me why, I guess somewhere something “remembered” a wrong audio adapter or something and was forced to reset with the other dock.
Or it might be I had a cable not properly set and got it right when plugging back in.
I also frequently have an issue where I get no signal at all to the TV when waking up the deck, and that’s usually only fixed by rebooting the deck. Which I have to do blind or unplug it, because the deck knows it’s in TV mode, the TV just apparently doesn’t.
- Comment on [PSA] 2.4g Controllers and interference with USB 3 ports (e.g. docks) 5 weeks ago:
Yep. The cheapest and shortest one I could find.
- Comment on [PSA] 2.4g Controllers and interference with USB 3 ports (e.g. docks) 5 weeks ago:
If you have the same dock, all your USB ports should be USB 3.0 (it’s printed above the ports).
- Comment on [PSA] 2.4g Controllers and interference with USB 3 ports (e.g. docks) 5 weeks ago:
It’s my first 2.4g device, so that was totally new to me. It also wasn’t exactly the first hit on any search I tried.
I’m glad that the fix was at least cheap and simple and I didn’t have to return the controller.
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to | 12 comments
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - November 2024 4 months ago:
I’m itching for the co-op update to do a second play through with my gf.
- Comment on [Discussion] What games are you playing on your deck? - November 2024 4 months ago:
Tried it on the Deck in TV mode, but the frame rates dropped so much during boss fights / class strikes I went back to finishing it on PC. I guess on the small screen I could have dropped the settings further, but on TV that was really hard on the eyes. Which is sad, as I mainly got the deck as a “switch but for pc games”. Guess it’ll mostly only work for pixel art games etc. for me.
- Comment on Bloodlines 2 is more "spiritual successor" than sequel to a "a competently good game by 2004 standards", say Paradox 5 months ago:
“I actually played Bloodlines 1 quite recently, and it is a good game, but it is also an old game, and there are many things that would not fly today,”
No new Heather. I guarantee it. Also, there will be a shitstorm about it.
- Comment on Can’t upgrade your PC to Windows 11? Buy a new one, is Microsoft’s laughable solution 5 months ago:
I stayed on XP until some game I wanted didn’t work (by that time, 7 was out), I stayed on 7 until some game I wanted didn’t work (by that time, 10 was out). Nothing bad happened to me. I’ll take my chances. At least until I find the time to get into Linux, whenever that may be.
- Comment on Can’t upgrade your PC to Windows 11? Buy a new one, is Microsoft’s laughable solution 5 months ago:
Why upgrade hardware that still does all you need?
- Comment on Can’t upgrade your PC to Windows 11? Buy a new one, is Microsoft’s laughable solution 5 months ago:
Because MS is so good at quickly releasing quality patches for every vulnerability that it’s not already a huge target?
- Comment on Can’t upgrade your PC to Windows 11? Buy a new one, is Microsoft’s laughable solution 5 months ago:
You make it sound like an older gaming rig wasn’t powerful enough to run win 11. It’s not about the older hardware being too weak, it’s about enforcing their TPM bullshit with which they aim to gradually create an apple style walled garden where they control what you can do with your machine.
- Comment on The one accesory I would recommend with the Deck 6 months ago:
Cable breaking from being bent in a weird way for too long.