- Comment on Cornered by the UK’s Demand for an Encryption Backdoor, Apple Turns Off Its Strongest Security Setting. 1 week ago:
They simply don’t need an encryption backdoor. Proper investigative work will always provide more than enough evidence without violating encryption. Backdoors breaks encryption, just don’t have encryption if it has a backdoor. What did governments do before they could tap phone lines, and hack cell phones? They fucking worked. That’s what. They put their noses to the grind stone, and they worked. Proper feet on the pavement. What the idiot politicians once again are doing, is trying to make controlling the masses easier, by removing protections the people have against tyrannical governments, which is what ANY government is that wants an encryption backdoor, tyrannical.
- Comment on The one accesory I would recommend with the Deck 5 months ago:
I bought a jsaux dock 6in1. Here’s the catch, buy it off their website, not from amazon, it will ship from China but it’s actually tested before hand, and amazon has been accidentally sending back out returned units of tons of electronics, so buy directly from manufacturer, dock works flawlessly, has an L cable included, then just hook up a controller and play it on the coffee table or on a box in front of you.