- Comment on After 18 years, Blu-ray media production draws to a close — Sony shuts its last factory in Feb 5 weeks ago:
Optical drives already are surpassing magnetic or even ssd. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_data_storage it’s more advanced version of optical drives, for obvious reasons it’s just a prototype and most likely it will stay so for quite a long time but still, optical storage hasn’t reached the limit.
- Comment on After 18 years, Blu-ray media production draws to a close — Sony shuts its last factory in Feb 5 weeks ago:
From wiki: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archival_Disc
Sony used Archival Disc in their Optical Disc Archive professional archival product range, and aimed to create at least a 6-TB storage medium. As of 2020, they offered 5.5 TB Optical Disc Archive Cartridges.[14][15][16]
That limit I mentioned has nothing with the ‘technological limit’. Simply enough they lost with the adoption - if the clients wanted, they would get bigger archival discs.
- Comment on After 18 years, Blu-ray media production draws to a close — Sony shuts its last factory in Feb 5 weeks ago:
No, there was one next more “optical image” after Blue-rays. Archive Disc mainly used for backups in companies dealing with lots of images. Biggest one could take 2TB per disc, as much as tape drives. However, they didn’t get adoption and it has been discontinued. Sadly