Comment on In the age of public salary-range listings, some jobseekers feel duped

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I recently started a new position. I had to be escorted in and out for the first interview. On the way out, the hiring manager complimented me twice that I’d done so well in the interview. The second interview was over Zoom, so there was no shared elevator ride at the end, but I got the job.

It was at the lower end of what was advertised. And even though I’ve received really nice positive feedback a few time (today, “professionalism and patience” was mentioned, I think I’m getting close to the most my boss had a budget to give. I base this on observations and gut feeling, nothing empirical. Just a vibe I get.

I think the org lied on the job req. I blame HR rather than my boss. I actually quite like my boss.
