Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year agoI chose similarly but changed somethings for longevity.
I subbed out the jeep for body armor. The jeep will run out of gas eventually, who knows how long the apocalypse will last for. Body armor will be last near indefinitely. Also would swap out the ak for a machete. Ammo will probably be hoarded by others so will be a difficult find.
Fire axe is a great utility tool, once it becomes full, it’ll be a good blunt weapon. Machete will not be as good but if you learn how to sharpen or find a whetstone, they’ll last you as long as you need. 1 year ago
Most body armor is good for 1 strike. Kevlar thread break, ceramic breaks, and you really don’t want to use dented armor, best case it’s a weak point, worst case is pushing in your chest cavity preventing you from breathing. Any body armor that is remotely mobile is effectively one time use.