this is opening up patents
My bad, I understood it with the meaning of "creating".
Comment on EA opens up more patents for increasing Accessibility in gaming 1 year agothis is opening up patents, so yes, in a world like ours having something be patented, but royalty free and anyone can use is much better than the alternative. which is either one company owning it and licencing it. or a patent troll getting it and making it even worse.
this is opening up patents
My bad, I understood it with the meaning of "creating". 1 year ago
The better alternative would be to not patent it in the first place. 1 year ago
Then a patent troll steals it and makes things worse for everyone.
Patenting something then immediately opening it up is by far the best option. 1 year ago
That’s literally not a thing. Once something is publicly disclosed it can’t be patented (unless it is by the discloser during the one year grace period). You can take someone else’s invention and patent it. If someone does you can invalidate their patent without even a lawyer. If you want something you invent to be free for everyone the best thing you can do is get it out into the world and not patent it. 1 year ago
You’re not supposed to. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
Nobody wants to spend the court costs to get a patent troll stripped of their bad patent. And for a patent troll you’re going to need a lawyer, they’re going to fight tooth and nail to keep it since that’s their source of income. 1 year ago
Oh boy are you wrong. Check out the patents to polio vaccines, or Volvos three point seatbelt. 1 year ago
…leaving the idea unclaimed for someone else to patent instead? Strange take.
The patent system is far from perfect, but patents themselves are necessary. EA had an idea, they had the right to patent it. They have the right to keep the patent closed, instead they opted to open it. 1 year ago
You can’t patent something that already exists. 1 year ago
If the idea already existed EA wouldn’t have been issued the patent. That’s part of the process of obtaining the patent.
Point is moot because the patent was issued. 1 year ago
these things often do not exist yet, hence the patent