- Comment on Apple will cut off third-party app store updates if your iPhone leaves the EU for a month 1 year ago:
They only have to comply while the device is within the EEA
I don’t want to be a “where’s your source” person. But is this something you actually know to be true, or are you assuming? From what inunderstand a lot of this is vaguely defined
- Comment on EA just added classics like Dungeon Keeper, SimCity 3000, and Populous on Steam 1 year ago:
? Blood has been on steam for like half a decade
- Comment on Netflix Poised to Raise Prices in 2024 as It Continues to Gain Share of TV Viewing 1 year ago:
I’m okay with them going away. The existence of that one particular company is not a net benefit to society.
- Comment on Pixar will undergo significant layoffs in 2024. 1 year ago:
In Q4, Disney+ added 7 million new subscribers, bringing its total to 150.2 million
apparently 150.2 million subscribers can’t pay for Pixar? even at the bare minimum pricing (that includes ads so generates revenue) that’s gonna be at least $750m monthly revenue
or maybe it has more to do with layoffs causing stock price rises, so good to sacrifice workers for the shareholders.
- Comment on Steam Deck OLED now supports HDR Remote Play from PS5, unlike PlayStation Portal 1 year ago:
Shrug, the thing sold out at that price point. It can be “too expensive” and also the right price for the market.
And honestly, a display, an arm chipset, good wifi, Bluetooth, all the dualsense modules. The cost of production adds up.
There have been a lot of armchair experts around this thing whinging about it, but people who bought them are super happy. Why rain on that parade? Just be cool about it.
- Comment on Steam Deck OLED now supports HDR Remote Play from PS5, unlike PlayStation Portal 1 year ago:
I’m just gonna drop this comment to say this community seems super disappointing. Just a circle jerk. It’s not a competition between your favorite thing and another thing. It’s okay for some people to spend less for something else.
I really hate communities that act this way. it’s so weird. And for what.
- Comment on Yes it's a tragedy but making this level of spectacle out of it is creepy as fuck 1 year ago:
Welcome to the BBC.
- Comment on Rovio to close down Montreal dev Studio Lumi 1 year ago:
You’re excited by the thought of 500ish people losing a job because I guess you don’t like the angry birds? Okay.
- Comment on Bungie Devs Say Atmosphere Is ‘Soul-Crushing’ Amid Layoffs, Cuts, and Fear of Total Sony Takeover - IGN 1 year ago:
Tbh, sony needs to take over. Sony seem to do okay with their stuff, and Bungie leadership seems to be totally at fault.
They must have the most wild buyout contract for Sony to not be able to just swoop in and fix this nonsense.
- Comment on Steam Workshop Has added support for paid mods 1 year ago:
so, it won’t.
reference: every single marketplace that lets anyone upload things that in some way drives revenue back, from app stores, to youtube, to music platforms.
- Comment on Steam Workshop Has added support for paid mods 1 year ago:
Yes, I’m sure that will stop it
- Comment on Steam Workshop Has added support for paid mods 1 year ago:
This is the second time Bethesda has done this.
- Comment on Steam Workshop Has added support for paid mods 1 year ago:
In addition, mods always end up in a situation where someone’s work was stolen, which no one cares about when it’s free. Everyone’s just using everyone else’s stuff because it’s all working to make a better ecosystem
That all changes when people get paid, justifiably
- Comment on Insurgency Developer New World Interactive Shut Down 1 year ago:
that’s not at all what is happening. Embracer spent ridiculous amounts of investor money to purchase every company they could. Embracer couldn’t raise more money this year and needs to pay wages, embracer literally can not afford to keep the lights on in these studios.
This is just a shit show.
- Comment on EA opens up more patents for increasing Accessibility in gaming 1 year ago:
these things often do not exist yet, hence the patent
- Comment on EA opens up more patents for increasing Accessibility in gaming 1 year ago:
this is opening up patents, so yes, in a world like ours having something be patented, but royalty free and anyone can use is much better than the alternative. which is either one company owning it and licencing it. or a patent troll getting it and making it even worse.
- Comment on Microsoft spending $1B annually on third-party Xbox Game Pass titles 1 year ago:
this is on-top of all the lost sales from no one buying their first-party games.
Gamepass is not financially viable, it’s funded by microsoft office and azure. It never will be unless they get a huge majority of the market /and/ raise praises massively. Which is of course their goal as soon as they kill the concept of game ownership.
- Comment on 'The Witcher 4 will channel the “freedom” of CDPR’s Cyberpunk 2077' 1 year ago:
I’m talking specifically of the over-promising and under-delivering on game design. not the technical issues which is a whole separate problem that may or may not be solved by UE5
- Comment on Phil Spencer Reiterates That Xbox Is Excited About Activision-Blizzard’s Back Catalog 1 year ago:
You 15 years ago: What makes you think movies will only be available on subscription services? they make a lot of money selling things physically today, Netflix is just a side revenue, it won’t change anything.
despite how cheap these services have been, game sales have not dropped either.
aside from on xbox.
- Comment on's 10 Best Video Games of 2023 1 year ago:
because they are good. The Thing is one of my favourite films of all time, it’s a remake.
- Comment on 'The Witcher 4 will channel the “freedom” of CDPR’s Cyberpunk 2077' 1 year ago:
I know they are probably bombarded with requests for comments and interviews, but CDPR have learnt nothing from CP2077.
they are going to over-sell this again, promising things that don’t materialize because they are dreaming of the thing now when it’s still 3-4 years away, then people are going to be disappointed when it releases and doesn’t have all the things they talk about.
Obviously consumers haven’t learnt anything either, we eat this up, but CDPR is going to get the fallout from it.
- Comment on Phil Spencer Reiterates That Xbox Is Excited About Activision-Blizzard’s Back Catalog 1 year ago:
Yes, we can all do that once the industry has been irrevocably changed forever, and now nothing gets made outside of subscription services
- Comment on Whats with the sudden indie output from South Korea? 1 year ago:
There’s no sudden new output.
Apples iOS privacy changes have killed a lot of the value in mobile markets, so many companies have been looking to diversify.
- Comment on New Final Fantasy XVI DLC Details Revealed Alongside New Update for Arcade Mode 1 year ago:
“It’s a one-off game,” Yoshida tells me. “We’re asking players to pay the full price for this experience, and so we want an experience that’s going to equal the amount of money that players are going to be paying and we want them to have satisfaction equal to what they paid or even more than that.
“We have no idea if people are going to fall in love with Valisthea and fall in love with Clive’s story and want to see more of the world and more of its characters,” Yoshida says. “So while we always want to consider DLC or spinoffs or those types of things where you can learn more about the game, first we want to see if Valisthea and Clive are really things players around the world want to see more of and then make that decision.”
More like fuck modern gamer reading capability am I right? Literally the same interview. Read more than headlines.
- Comment on on youtube how do I downvote an ad? or how do i tell youtube that "hey this ad is not something I want to see?" I know ad blockers don't work on youtube anymore but how do I tweek what ads i do see? 1 year ago:
So this comment kind of misunderstands how the Google ad system works for youtube.
When you click on a video, Google presents you, and the video you are watching (with categories associated with you and the video) to an auction. Advertisers then bid on your view, and whoever has the highest bid wins, you see their ad. This is all automated and happens in the blink of an eye, but that’s the basic system.
This means that parties that want to show ads to you will get to, no matter your preferences.
- Comment on PlayStation To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For 1 year ago:
Only on PC. And pc games don’t really have physical releases. On console this isn’t a thing unless the game requires an online server because it’s a multiplayer game
- Comment on Phil Spencer Reiterates That Xbox Is Excited About Activision-Blizzard’s Back Catalog 1 year ago:
Yes, that makes the gamepass situation even more egregious. Everyone knows the cost of making games, but only Microsoft can afford to literally lose money for a decade to secure dominance.
No one can compete because everyone else has to run a real business
- Comment on Phil Spencer Reiterates That Xbox Is Excited About Activision-Blizzard’s Back Catalog 1 year ago:
Netflix a decade ago. Wow, this is so amazing. What a deal. How could it go wrong
Netflix today, okay, which subscription service to we get this month, I want to watch this show, but Sarah wants to watch that show and the other show we were watching got deleted from the service so we just can’t watch that one. If only we could learn from this situation
- Comment on PlayStation To Delete A Ton Of TV Shows Users Already Paid For 1 year ago:
It’s not just harder. It’s impossible. Physical media is yours, and the license to view is not revocable. You do own the media.
- Comment on Phil Spencer Reiterates That Xbox Is Excited About Activision-Blizzard’s Back Catalog 1 year ago:
Excited about renting it out to you a month at a time with an ever increasing cost