Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1 Patch Notes 1 year
In what world is Cyberpunk’s ray tracing disappointing? Some shots I took while playing over the last month or so. I’ve never seen a better graphical showpiece. 1 year ago
Pretty good examples for how disappointing it is, tbh aye.
If you told me both sides were different settings of baked lighting, I’d instantly believe it. Sure, the RT looks like it is the higher quality one, but it doesn’t feel like a cyberpunk game with raytracing should “pop”. Good scenes are for it when driving around at night with wet streets. That gives the proper cyberpunk feel. But that’s about the only scenario where I’ve seen it truly work magic. 1 year ago
Sounds like you’re more disappointed with CP77s lighting theme than RT, you could literally change the LUT or use ReShade in a matter of seconds and get what you’re asking for. CP77 has a permanent green filter that many (very much myself included) despise. Fortunately, this is extremely easy to change, and I definitely recommend it.