They literally don’t care to know the difference. All that matters is that they have people to attack and demean.
Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago
It’s funny that they attacked Drag Queens because they hated Transpeople…
Not only do we have nothing to do with each other, but the Drag Queen community has a history of being highly transphobic. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Just wanted to add that it has gotten better. I mean, now we even have straight queens who damn well know how to serve, sew, and read. Unthinkable back in the day! 1 year ago
Still. I had a dragqueen “friend” who really soured me on the whole group and I found he was the norm not the exception…
Kept trying to get me into drag, stole a wig from me, and claimed being trans was “Just drag being taken too far”