- Comment on Sonic Rumble Is A 32-Player Mobile Platforming Battle Royale Coming This Winter 2 months ago:
The starting roster is
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Cream The Rabbit, Amy, Charmy, Vector, Espio, Shadow, Rouge, Silver, Blaze, Dr. Robotnik, Metal Sonic, Big The Cat, and Zavok, each having their own skins to choose from. If you don’t like that, the playable avatars from Sonic Forces return.
I don’t know why Omega is left out when pretty much every other character to serve on a three person team is here, or why Zavok is the only member of the Deadly Six that Sega like to remember exists.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 4 months ago:
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 4 months ago:
Always have an emergency tool in your car to break your windows in case this shit happens to you. Even if you’re in a car not designed by a god damn moron.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 4 months ago:
Shouldn’t an electric be programmed to open if it finds itself undergoing powerloss? Isn’t that like a very basic failsafe? One so basic it’s the plot to an indie horror game that wasn’t intended for children but found an audience there anyway?
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
I did, and I think you misunderstand, I am glad that it had tits and ass everywhere, Rockstar aren’t the rock stars they used to be. Did you see that Grand Theft Auto remastered?
I am actually glad Grand Theft Auto VI has decided that women are allowed to look feminine, what a novel fucking concept am I right? Female characters looking like they’re actually female.
Yes I understand that it’s a cartoon exaggeration of what a woman looks like, I don’t care, Grand Theft Auto is supposed to be a violent cartoon, let it be one. Fuck
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
cries in RDR1 PC fan
- Comment on GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles 1 year ago:
This was the first entry I was actually excited about!
But Rockstar once again hates PC gamers…
Seriously… sexy ladies in a modern AAA games… no “stoic flat chested tomboys”
Yes please. Tired of that woke shit
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
Still. I had a dragqueen “friend” who really soured me on the whole group and I found he was the norm not the exception…
Kept trying to get me into drag, stole a wig from me, and claimed being trans was “Just drag being taken too far”
- Comment on Funny how it became bathroom use and imaginary things drag queens do... 1 year ago:
It’s funny that they attacked Drag Queens because they hated Transpeople…
Not only do we have nothing to do with each other, but the Drag Queen community has a history of being highly transphobic.
- Comment on THE DAY HATH COME 1 year ago:
Okay, we all need to prepare for the day that he escapes from hell. You know what’s going to happen, it’s been foretold. We need to get one of those books from Myst
- Comment on Fictional characters get a lot of leeway 1 year ago:
That’s why I don’t like romance stories
- Comment on it's a puzzling one i'll tell you hwat 1 year ago:
People have talked about a modlog but I had no idea what they meant
- Comment on it's a puzzling one i'll tell you hwat 1 year ago:
Wait, how do I check for bans? Because I find it suspicious that I haven’t been banned from anything when that happened regularly on Reddit