Comment on New gameplay
To say that AI is a weird thing?
There’s “not impressed” and then there’s “performatively dismissive”. Guess which one you are 🙄
It’s not. “performative” to be annoyed by multiple snarky “duh the trailer” responses
None of my replies that you replied to were anything remotely like that. In fact, this sentence is the first time I’ve ever mentioned the trailer.
Alright dude 1 year ago
There’s “not impressed” and then there’s “performatively dismissive”. Guess which one you are 🙄 1 year ago
It’s not. “performative” to be annoyed by multiple snarky “duh the trailer” responses 1 year ago
None of my replies that you replied to were anything remotely like that. In fact, this sentence is the first time I’ve ever mentioned the trailer. 1 year ago
Alright dude