Comment on Appliances with an off light. 1 year agoYou could also just try turning it on to see if it has power. I don’t see how the light is actually useful for this.
Comment on Appliances with an off light. 1 year agoYou could also just try turning it on to see if it has power. I don’t see how the light is actually useful for this. 1 year ago
The power draw from a single LED is nearly negligible. If it’s a heating appliance, for example, it’s several magnitudes more wasteful to turn it on, just to see if it heats properly. Even with other electronics the LED quickly tests functionality with almost zero power without having to power up the entire system which would use a ton of energy, since it assumes it is about to be used for its purpose. 1 year ago
Still seems useless. I never turn my appliances on just to see if they work. I just…use it. If it doesn’t do anything, then I know it’s broken.
It’s also not just a single LED. In your house, yes, but multiply that by however many appliances in the wild have that same “feature” and the power wastage is much more real. It’s the same reason it’s recommended to unplug phone chargers and such when they’re not being used.
Vampire power, I believe, is the term. It’s when millions of tiny power loads add up to a significant overall draw while performing no useful work. 1 year ago
Vampire power is a thing, but not really that huge since regulations have launched the 1W initiative. The vampire power consumed by the average house in the US is less than a thousandth of the entire energy consumption. Less than a dollar per year. Of course, over a couple million homes we are talking about a few million dollars, that’s not nothing. But also, it’s less than a 0.001% of the entire grid residential electrical consumption. To cut power emissions and usage, that’s almost a non-issue at best, a distraction at worse. 1 year ago
The power indicator bulbs in these kinds of kitchen appliances are rarely LEDs. They are usually neon indicator lamps. They’re pretty durable and have been in use far longer than LEDs.… 1 year ago
No, they usually are just LED’s these days.