Comment on Thursday SOTD Thread - December 07, 2023 ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

SOTD 07.12.2023

1 pass shave for both the dome and the face again. Again, a little blood was shed due to bumpy skin - this time behind my right ear. Unfortunately I get bad skin breakouts again this time of the year…

LGC in Omnibus is awesome as always, but I begin to think that the BIC aren’t my favourite blades anymore. They rarely work that comfortably in any of my newer razors, so I guess the search for a better blade needs to resume.

First selfie done today, second and third one tomorrow. I actually had tomorrow off, but one of my colleagues/friends got sick and the others would have been massively understaffed. So another early shift tomorrow - who cares, the execs will have to pay me my overtime and leftover vacation time anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️
