Comment on Blue Eye Samurai is the best thing Netflix has done in years 10 months ago
The shows fine, but I don't even know if I'd put it in the top 5 best things Netflix put out in 2023. Maybe best original work (assuming it is?) 10 months ago
I watched it because I saw it was getting crazy good ratings.
It was alright. Decent show, but not the 9.3/10 groundbreaking masterpiece people were claiming it was. I’d watch a second season, but I’m right there with you. It’s far from the best thing I saw last year. 10 months ago
What would you say was the best thing you watched last year? 10 months ago
Animated? Scavenger’s Reign. (I know, you didn’t ask me) I really liked Blue Eyed Samurai until about half way through and then the ending of the season had me wondering what the writers were thinking. Characters motivations stopped making sense. 10 months ago
Scavengers Reign for best animated. Best anything? Honestly, I really liked Twisted Metal. I know that’s probably not going to be everyone’s top pick, but I had a ton of fun watching it. The Last of Us was also really good.