1 year ago
I hear you … it does feel like film and TV diccussions are something where we should all just get together and agree to go to one place.
Obviously we’re all free and able to visit multiple communities … but there’s a “greater than the sum of its parts” effect in having more people in one place.
It feels like the lack of polls in lemmy are sorely missing here … it’d be nice to get a feel for what people actually want and why.
Personally, I don’t like the idea of so many communities being on … so I don’t subscribe to the film community over there … but if it turns out that that’s where everyone is, so be it I suppose, I’d hang out there while keeping an eye out for niche film communities because they could be cool too.
Otherwise … there’s a broader statement to be had about the fediverse here … so many people are over on mastodon and yet very few of them can interact here because mastodon does a shitty job of interacting with groups/channels/sub-reddit style structures. But platform interaction is or was the promise of the fediverse … so I personally blame these sorts of problems, to some extent, on mastodon … because there are plenty of people talking about films over there … but strewn across various threads, instances and hashtags.