A little bit of neuroscience and a little bit of computing
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Addressing off-topic meta discussions and moderation of this community 1 year ago:
The default web app has a feature for this. When you’re writing a post, as you type the title, it automatically does some sort of search in the community you’re posting to for the title you’ve entered. So if you write “avatar” as the first word in the title field, it will search the community for posts with “avatar” in the title. Don’t know how many other apps or front ends do the same, but it is actually a helpful feature for exactly this.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yea I’m still a mod there.
I think it’d be jumping the gun right now, unless there’s more context I don’t know about. But maybe after an attempt to have a conversation with the current mod? Though of course meta posts being removed prevents that!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Riiiiggghhhtt. Ugh. Without knowing their reasons, I I can’t help but really wish mods wouldn’t think a community belongs to them.
Otherwise, I don’t know what to say.
At the risk of jumping the gun … there’s still movies at
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
We were a few members wanting to create this one, so it came from a group effort rather than one person initiative.
Yea, just for sanity’s sake, I’d always thought there should be more than one mod. I figured you didn’t want to do it … ? Still, at this stage, all of this is a group effort and so some form of meta discussion really should be allowed more.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Yea, while I’m not sure I agree with that as a policy, I can see it making sense.
But this isn’t Reddit. We’re much smaller, and frankly, should be thankful that people are here and posting. So long as a post isn’t way off topic, or obviously toxic or of a kind that is known to bother the community members, honestly, at this stage of things, mods have no business removing posts.
I can see exceptions to this for communities that have rather specific purposes, but for anything that’s a discussion community intended to be driven by its users, come on, let the users discuss!!
- Comment on RANT : The thing i miss from reddit is that when a series or movie came out or ended there would be a big discussion threads. 1 year ago:
I hear you … it does feel like film and TV diccussions are something where we should all just get together and agree to go to one place.
Obviously we’re all free and able to visit multiple communities … but there’s a “greater than the sum of its parts” effect in having more people in one place.
It feels like the lack of polls in lemmy are sorely missing here … it’d be nice to get a feel for what people actually want and why.
Personally, I don’t like the idea of so many communities being on … so I don’t subscribe to the film community over there … but if it turns out that that’s where everyone is, so be it I suppose, I’d hang out there while keeping an eye out for niche film communities because they could be cool too.
Otherwise … there’s a broader statement to be had about the fediverse here … so many people are over on mastodon and yet very few of them can interact here because mastodon does a shitty job of interacting with groups/channels/sub-reddit style structures. But platform interaction is or was the promise of the fediverse … so I personally blame these sorts of problems, to some extent, on mastodon … because there are plenty of people talking about films over there … but strewn across various threads, instances and hashtags.
- Comment on [Franchise fatigue] The Marvelization of Cinema (and how to solve it?) 1 year ago:
Yep … a nice way of capturing what’s new and a little off about this moment in general too.
- Comment on [Poster] Lisa Frankenstein 1 year ago:
Why wouldn’t it?
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you have franchise fatigue? Or is there still a franchise that you enjoy seeing? 1 year ago:
Mount nailing Pike though is part of my problem. SNW’s promise was that it could be a very independent fork of TOS, an alternate take on what the show could have been that also happened to be consistent with the canon due to the 10 year time jump between the two pilots and the few constraints canon put on the period.
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you have franchise fatigue? Or is there still a franchise that you enjoy seeing? 1 year ago:
What kinda saved it for me was finding value in the Sauron / Galadriel arc. As a Galadriel fan I struggled with the show.
But in the end, the idea that Sauron and Galadriel had this one off sorta platonic/spiritual hook up that flirted with the possibility of joining forces is interesting and sticks on my mind. It’s a nice exploration of the canon idea that Sauron was maybe contrite for a moment and that Galadriel has a rich and special past. And resonates nicely with the Doom of the Noldor.
I didn’t like a lot about how the story was told, but there were kernels there that stuck with me.
Otherwise, I’m not sure I can tolerate the wizard being Gandalf. Like if they clarify that I might just be out. I’d prefer they don’t clarify it, maybe tease that it could be Gandalf, so that book/canon fans can safely have the head canon that it’s a blue wizard who happens to be similar to Gandalf in some ways while everyone else can feel comfortable with it feeling like Gandalf.
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you have franchise fatigue? Or is there still a franchise that you enjoy seeing? 1 year ago:
I enjoyed the show too. So figured I’d enjoy the books. There’s a lot to praise the books for and I understand that the fandom exists … but IMO they are overrated and book fans hating on the show can get really toxic. The first three books are honestly kinda crappy in important ways that book fans struggle to even acknowledge or remember and reading them made me appreciate the show even more because of the stuff they had to struggle with in the adaptation.
I made it up to halfway through the fourth book, which is supposed to be the one where the series really gets going (yes, it doesn’t start until about 1.5 LotRs worth surprisingly repetitive story telling) and the best book of the series according to many … and I just had to stop. I felt manipulated as a reader and that the story was weirdly unsurprising or derivative feeling. There’s a lot to like about its scope and ambition and characters, but as an author I think Jordan/WoT has proper flaws that book fans just don’t acknowledge enough. AFAICT, the appeal for fans is the breadth of the world and a sorta soapy concentration on character stuff.
I posted my thoughts on the first three books over on ! if you’re interested.
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you have franchise fatigue? Or is there still a franchise that you enjoy seeing? 1 year ago:
a bit disappointed to see the TOS Enterprise appear at the end of the first season of Discovery.
My memory is that many were to the point where there was some sort of consensus of concern about it loud enough that the show runners made assurances that S2 wouldn’t take place on the enterprise.
Sentiments have shifted since then, interestingly, to being more accepting of SNW evolving into a hard TOS prequel flirting with rebooting TOS. I can’t help but think it’s an MCU effect.
- Comment on [Discussion] Do you have franchise fatigue? Or is there still a franchise that you enjoy seeing? 1 year ago:
In general, I don’t really have a fatigue for franchises. Though I’m growing more sensitive to the sorts of milking decisions studios etc will make to make money off of the franchise … and relatedly have a bit of a craving for stand alone films or stories.
Watching Ahsoka right now and enjoying it and the way it sits on the franchise.
Something I’m growing weary of is Star Trek. I’m rather tired of the obsession with prequels and the TOS era and really prefer they tried something new like in the TNG era. I’m not sure how many more times I can tolerate Kirk appearing in SNW.
- Comment on David Lynch’s Dune is returning to theaters in February for 40th anniversary 1 year ago:
I’ve seen it enough times to have made my peace with it. I don’t think the theatre experience will add anything, except maybe to emphasise how detailed some of our all of the sets are, not I know that already.
I have to presume Lynch himself isn’t behind or thrilled about this, and I’m enough of a fan of his to respect his distaste for the film. It’s very much a “could have been” film with so much clear potential, but for me, as with many I presume, it just doesn’t get there.
- Comment on Era of complex and ambitious TV is over, says Sopranos creator 1 year ago:
I buy it.
It struck me (and I’m speculating here) that TV now is produced/green-lit mostly on a season to season basis with each season being produced like a Lord of the Rings Trilogy … ~10 hrs of screen time, all written at once and then filmed at once.
Under such constraints, I don’t think there is any room for the show, its story and its characters to breach, and I think I’ve been feeling this.
Some may say that we’re getting longer arc now and that that its better. But I’m not sure I’m convinced. I think we’re getting longer arcs in an MCU sense where the characters aren’t invested in as much compared to the broader “universe” (eg, how many decent villains has the MCU actually had … Endgame’s success being a clue as to when they got the villain right). We’re also getting shorter screen times and less organic/chaotic episodic writing (because so much screen time used to be produced) … that allowed characters to be understood and filled out.
It feels like everything is trying to be a hit and more like a film and the feeling of organically getting to know a world and its character has been lost.
I can’t help but think of season 8 of Game of Thrones. It had twists and drama and “subverted expectations” but felt dumb and unearned compared to the foundation of the fandom developed in the more meandering and character developing early seasons.
- Comment on LES MISERABLES Film to Return to Cinemas With Dolby Remastering 1 year ago:
… kay.
Who was asking for this?
- Comment on New ‘Star Trek’ Movie in the Works at Paramount from ‘Andor’ Director 1 year ago:
Me too!
- Comment on New ‘Star Trek’ Movie in the Works at Paramount from ‘Andor’ Director 1 year ago:
lol … no.
Are we traitors of the empire now? Are you going to take us in to be punished for improper thoughts?
You don’t have to like those things.
But telling us what we do and don’t like?! That’s rubbish my friend.
- Comment on New ‘Star Trek’ Movie in the Works at Paramount from ‘Andor’ Director 1 year ago:
So I made this complaint over on the Star Trek community … but others might have some different thoughts here.
Any Trek fans tired of the reboots / prequels (and yes, even hard sequels)? All Trek since Voyager has been either a prequel or a had sequel (Picard). From Enterprise, through the Kelvin films to SNW … there hasn’t been a new Trek without at least Spock or a member of the Soong family making an appearance.
The big exceptions being Lower Decks and Prodigy … which are animations that are either targeting children or trying to be a comedy … which says I think (and I like Lower Decks, don’t get me wrong) all you need to hear about how risk-averse modern star trek productions are to trying something new (compared to the TNG era and of course TOS).
- Comment on New ‘Star Trek’ Movie in the Works at Paramount from ‘Andor’ Director 1 year ago:
Huh … I, and I thought many, rather liked Rogue One. And Andor too (best New SW since … I don’t know … the original trilogy?)
- Comment on Battlestar Galactica Reboot Moves Forward at Peacock With New Showrunner 1 year ago:
Just looked it cuz I was curious where the break was and whether it matched my impression when watching it.
From the Wikipedia:…/Battlestar_Galactica_(2004_TV_… it seems that the strike interrupted the production of season 4 but not 3.
Which matches my experience. I was with the show up to the end of S3 but then S4 felt meh-ish except for
the Gaeta coup episodes
- Comment on Battlestar Galactica Reboot Moves Forward at Peacock With New Showrunner 1 year ago:
Cuz Hollywood is dying or going through a dark age.
How does anyone else feel about the quality of writing they’ve been seeing lately? I feel like I can detect a drop in quality over the past couple of years. At first I thought it was all the work done over the pandemic but I feel like it’s persisting.
- Comment on Battlestar Galactica Reboot Moves Forward at Peacock With New Showrunner 1 year ago:
All of this happened before and it will happen again