You do realize the Jon quit in 2015? 1 year ago
please down vote me but sadly his both sides suck comedy style, which is fine for a comedy show I am a big fan but at the time younger people used it as a primary news source and caused a lot of hopelessness in that demographic and gave Trump a lot of free publicity over other RNC candidates.
so I do put a small amount of blame for Trump on him. I mean the DNC is the most to blame by putting up a garbage candidate and campaign thinking they were effectively running unopposed.
I hope we don’t have another repeat with John back in that chair. please know I think he is a great person done so much good for vets and 9/11 rescue personnel out of that chair. 1 year ago 1 year ago
He doesn’t have a “both sides suck comedy style” he has always called out bullshit where he sees it. A lot of the show was fact checking Fox News because that’s where most of the bullshit is. He also left the show in 2015 so he didn’t host the show during the election. 1 year ago
I agree with you I think we are saying the same thing but Jon didn’t highlight the threat that Trump was and the election cycle for primary candidates was in 2015. I was there I remember Jon along with everyone else in the media. I want to be clear I don’t think Jon went out of his way to do this he was just commenting on the media landscape at the time but he also got distracted by the clown show like everyone else I mean why wouldn’t he trumps bullshit was a comedy gold.
I think if he could do it all over again he would have sounded the alarm bells. But it also sucks that journalism got so bad at that and even worse today that it really feels that we had to get our news from comedians in the first place because all the other journalists are covering the next extreme tweat or what people are posting on social media as news. with all their dumb touch screens gimmicks. 1 year ago
Based on everything you just said I’d think you’d be glad to have him back then. Because it’s obvious he takes Trump seriously now. But back in the primaries nobody took any republican candidate seriously, especially the DNC. And to be fair, neither did I. It was a clown show. If Hillary’s campaign hadn’t been so overconfident and tried harder to win over Sanders supporters things would likely be a lot different. Maybe Stewart would have made a difference if he stayed, because the Daily Show lost a lot of relevance without him, but at the time he had covered a lot of elections and didn’t have it in him to do it again. I just don’t think it’s fair to put any of the blame on Stewart. He fought his entire career for the media to be better than this. Did he fail? Arguably, yes. But he did fight and he should be commended for that, not blamed for the circus that is American politics today. 1 year ago
oh 100% I agree with you he is different now but based on what I saw on Monday everything he said was true but not helpful since the deadline to replace biden has passed I would have rather seen him not take the easy hanging fruit of Biden is too old which I agree with and focus more on the RNC is a mess and trump thinks he is above the law.
Like I said before he was only a very small part of the problem back then and now I’m not sure he is relevant enough to make change now. but let me be clear I don’t blame him for the problems I blame him for not being a solution and going along for the ride. I think he is a smart man and I’m a huge fan of his. I guess really I blame all of us that don’t hold our journalists accountable. the people that show up for their 1984 style of two minutes of hate but instead of two minutes it’s 24 hours and in your pocket.