That’s why I didn’t even mention “popular”, and listed a bunch of other traits besides charisma.
Comparing Stewart with Trump is lazy and simplistic, do better.
intelligent, articulate, charismatic and compassionate people in the public sphere
Great but it takes a lot more than that to be a GOOD president.
You need to be more than just popular. I know it’s a common mistake to think celebrities will make good presidents because they have charisma.
That is how we ended up with Trump.
Have higher standards.
That’s why I didn’t even mention “popular”, and listed a bunch of other traits besides charisma.
Comparing Stewart with Trump is lazy and simplistic, do better. 1 year ago
The most important qualification a leader can have is the trust of the population.
Everything else is what advisors are for, and despite what you want to believe Stewart has seen how the kosher sausage is made, when he bullied Congress into taking care of the 9/11 first responders.
There are many, many worse candidates out there, and quite frankly not many better.
Is that a sad state of affairs?
Sure. But it’s also reality. 1 year ago
Nope. Not at all. Again this is how we get people like Trump as president.