- Comment on Nintendo applying for anti-Palworld patents in the US with a whopping 22 out of 23 rejected, but "they are fighting" 5 weeks ago:
Nintendo is such trash now a days. What a shame.
- Comment on Most Civilization players don't finish a single game, going by Civ 6 data, and perhaps that's the best way to play 5 weeks ago:
Ya end game is pretty boring
- Comment on This Steam Deck mount looks silly, but greatly reduces the risk of dropping Valve's handheld on your face while gaming in bed 1 month ago:
This is dumb
- Comment on Library 1 month ago:
Where do you find the time!?
Not having kids sure helps a ton with that.
- Comment on Oracle and Microsoft are reportedly in talks to take over TikTok 1 month ago:
Do it. Or don’t do it. I don’t care either way.
I’ve never used that shit and never will.
- Comment on World's biggest game publisher Tencent threaten to sue US government for listing them as a Chinese military company 2 months ago:
What a joke.
- Comment on WordPress Forces Users to Agree That Pineapple Is Good on Pizza 3 months ago:
Because Americans are afraid of anything that has nutrition in it.
- Comment on WordPress Forces Users to Agree That Pineapple Is Good on Pizza 3 months ago:
Imagine being mad at someone else’s food preferences
- Comment on Three Men Die When Google Maps Tells Them to Drive Off Unfinished Bridge 3 months ago:
What excuse do they have for ignoring traffic signs and literally every other indication that the road is closed?
A GPS doesn’t absolve you from personal responsibility. Use your eyes.
- Comment on Firefighters Struggle to Break the Tesla Cybertruck’s “Transparent Metal” Glass During Emergency Response Training 3 months ago:
I mean, do we really want to save people who are dumb enough to buy this piece of shit? If there is a silver lining to this monstrosity this is it.
- Comment on Portable CD players are back and now work with wireless headphones 8 months ago:
No they aren’t
- Comment on Valve has little to worry about as new Steam Deck rival arrives 9 months ago:
Windows is dog shit.
- Comment on Why install other Linux ISOs on Steam Deck? 10 months ago:
Wouldn’t full disk encryption just slow everything down? Seems like a bad idea for a gaming system
- Comment on 10 months ago:
Not at all. I heard mixed things about Rimworld on the deck. Most of it was about the controller schema.
Reality is (for me) that it plays great. The controls by default are well assigned and it works well.
The screen size isn’t an issue for me either. It’s mostly subjective but for me it’s a knock out.
- Comment on 10 months ago:
This list is badly missing Rimworld.
- Comment on Jon Stewart Says ‘Daily Show’ Return Was Prompted by Wanting to Have a “Place to Unload Thoughts” Ahead of 2024 Election 1 year ago:
The most important qualification a leader can have is the trust of the population.
Nope. Not at all. Again this is how we get people like Trump as president.
- Comment on Jon Stewart Says ‘Daily Show’ Return Was Prompted by Wanting to Have a “Place to Unload Thoughts” Ahead of 2024 Election 1 year ago:
intelligent, articulate, charismatic and compassionate people in the public sphere
Great but it takes a lot more than that to be a GOOD president.
You need to be more than just popular. I know it’s a common mistake to think celebrities will make good presidents because they have charisma.
That is how we ended up with Trump.
Have higher standards.
- Comment on Jon Stewart Says ‘Daily Show’ Return Was Prompted by Wanting to Have a “Place to Unload Thoughts” Ahead of 2024 Election 1 year ago:
No thanks. We don’t need more celebs as president.
It takes a lot more then just being a personality on TV to be a good president.
- Comment on Wes Anderson Sets Bill Murray, Michael Cera & Benicio Del Toro For Next Feature 1 year ago:
If you listen to the stories of his antics on shows like SNL it’s pretty clear he’s always been this way. He’s always had a massive ego and has always been near impossible to work with.
- Comment on Is eating potato chips better than nothing in terms of pure nutrition and wholesomeness? 1 year ago:
There isn’t any flour in potato chips. They aren’t empty calories either. There is an enormous amount of nutrients in potatoes, far from being empty calories.
The reason potato chips are bad for you isn’t the potato. It’s the oil they are cooked in and the amount of salt.
- Comment on Why can I only do things in fake? 1 year ago:
Games are designed to be fun. Work isn’t.