Comment on Same SD card for SteamOS and Windows-To-Go? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Although not a direct answer, just wanted to give my experience.

Originally used a dedicated SD card for Windows, it worked fine but was warned that the constant read/write on the card could cause it to fail quicker than its normal lifespan. Since I didn’t want to fiddle with it in another year or two, I ended up getting a bigger internal drive (2tb nvme) and dedicated 1tb to SteamOS and the other TB to windows. Then have a 1tb SD card for the majority of games on my SteamOS side of the house.

I personally use a custom windows 10 install for that side, which helps prevent Windows from overriding the REFInd boot. However I did notice that when I updated SteamOS to the main branch, it borked REFInd and had to select SteamOS boot file through the file manager on boot, then reinstall REFInd via the normal script on desktop mode.

Just some considerations for you as your journey through your dual boot adventure.
