Lol everyone wanted a Cinematic Universe back then.
Now it’s the “Multiverse”.
Wonder what the next bandwagon will be
Comment on Inside Sony’s ‘Madame Web’ Collapse: Forget About a New Franchise 1 year ago
Sounds like exactly what happened with the Tom Cruise ‘The Mummy’ movie. We were going to get a Dark Universe, but the flagpole broke.
Lol everyone wanted a Cinematic Universe back then.
Now it’s the “Multiverse”.
Wonder what the next bandwagon will be
I made another commnet in this thread, so I’m repeating myself [rebooting? lol]
Make new movies with the favorite characters. Call them ‘Alternate Universe’ or whatever. Fans had no problem with a dozen different Batmen, so why not do ‘Captain America : The War Years?’ You could bring in oldies like The Blackhawks, the original Submariner, Union Jack and Agent Axis. Same with Thor in the Middle Ages and Hawkeye/Black Widow/Nick Fury as their younger selves. 1 year ago
The Dark Universe failed on it's first try (2nd if you count the clearly shoeforned Dracula movie). And what did we learn?
The guy chosen to lead the DU was then given the reigns of the entire Star Trek universe going forward. Talk about failing upward 1 year ago
My personal take.
Completely reboot Star Trek. Trash the entire canon. No humanoid aliens at all. Go back to square one