- Comment on Indiana Jones doesn't "endorse" Nazis, Bethesda assure, just in case you were confused by him repeatedly murdering them 4 months ago:
Apparently, Miller had some serious problems that he’s been dealing with.
I give the guy who created Martha Washington a lot of leeway.
- Comment on Indiana Jones doesn't "endorse" Nazis, Bethesda assure, just in case you were confused by him repeatedly murdering them 4 months ago:
You picked the wrong guy to ask.
- Comment on Indiana Jones doesn't "endorse" Nazis, Bethesda assure, just in case you were confused by him repeatedly murdering them 4 months ago:
[off topic]
One of the biggest mind fuck novels I ever read was "The Iron Dream’ by Norman Spinrad.
On one level it’s a ‘hero’s journey’ story about an exiled prince who returns to his homeland and defeats a bunch of evil mind controlling wizards. Lots of excitement and adventure and terrific battles.
The fucked up part is that it’s the last novel Adolph Hitler wrote after migrating to America in 1921.
Hitler was a popular illustrator who eventually felt confident enough to start writing in English. He was a popular figure at conventions and had a huge fandom.
- Comment on Romance author gets locked out of Google Docs for “inappropriate” content 9 months ago:
thanks for saving me a click.
- Comment on Dakota Johnson on ‘Madame Web’ Blowback: “I’ll Never Do Anything Like It Again” 1 year ago:
Long Kiss Goodnight is my favorite Christmas movie.
- Comment on Dakota Johnson on ‘Madame Web’ Blowback: “I’ll Never Do Anything Like It Again” 1 year ago:
While we’re on the topic of female driven action movies. This one got lost at the box office because it was released in early 2020. Shame, because it’s smart and exciting and doesn’t follow all the ‘revenge’ tropes people are used to.
- Comment on Apple is turning William Gibson’s Neuromancer into a TV series 1 year ago:
Read [or reread] “Damnation Alley” by Roger Zelazny. You could argue that it’s the original ‘punk’ science fiction novel. A hard bitten Hell’s Angel is chosen to drive across the post-atomic wasteland to deliver a life giving serum to the last city on the East Coast.
When I think about it, I decide that the Atomic War took place circa 1970 and keep all the background details in that era.
- Comment on Apple is turning William Gibson’s Neuromancer into a TV series 1 year ago:
I hated the movie ‘Starship Troopers’ when it came out because it changed everything in the book. Now I can look at it on its own merits.
I noped out of ‘Foundation’ because it was getting further and further from the books. On the other hand, I did like the Emperors’ story line and the idea of a neverending series of clones.
We could spned a few months dissecting “Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep” vs. “Bladerunner.”
- Comment on Apple is turning William Gibson’s Neuromancer into a TV series 1 year ago:
Predestination, an Australian movie based on Robert Heinlein’s “All You Zombies…”
One of the things I like about this movie is that it’s set in Heinlein’s “futuristic” version of the 1970’s, not the 1970’s we got.
If they do Neuromancer right, it’ll have pocket sized VCR machines and the televsion screens will be grwy, not blue.
- Comment on Apple is turning William Gibson’s Neuromancer into a TV series 1 year ago:
They spent a ton on ‘Foundation.’
- Comment on Inside Sony’s ‘Madame Web’ Collapse: Forget About a New Franchise 1 year ago:
My personal list of the Marvel movies I’d suggest to people who hate superhero movies. You could cut all the special effects out and still have a great movie.
Iron Man. Captain America -the Winter Soldier. The Avengers.
I think this is pretty close to par for any studio. Most movies are just not great.
Silverberg’s Law says that 90% of everything is crud.
- Comment on Inside Sony’s ‘Madame Web’ Collapse: Forget About a New Franchise 1 year ago:
My personal take.
Completely reboot Star Trek. Trash the entire canon. No humanoid aliens at all. Go back to square one
- Comment on Inside Sony’s ‘Madame Web’ Collapse: Forget About a New Franchise 1 year ago:
I made another commnet in this thread, so I’m repeating myself [rebooting? lol]
Make new movies with the favorite characters. Call them ‘Alternate Universe’ or whatever. Fans had no problem with a dozen different Batmen, so why not do ‘Captain America : The War Years?’ You could bring in oldies like The Blackhawks, the original Submariner, Union Jack and Agent Axis. Same with Thor in the Middle Ages and Hawkeye/Black Widow/Nick Fury as their younger selves.
- Comment on Inside Sony’s ‘Madame Web’ Collapse: Forget About a New Franchise 1 year ago:
I really wanted to like The Flash movie and was disappointed.
- Comment on Inside Sony’s ‘Madame Web’ Collapse: Forget About a New Franchise 1 year ago:
The Marvels is a good example of why people are starting to hate Marvel. Unless you’d already watched WandaVision, Cpt. Marvel, and Ms. Marvel you had no idea what was going on. It was like starting in the middle of Avengers Endgame.
- Comment on Inside Sony’s ‘Madame Web’ Collapse: Forget About a New Franchise 1 year ago:
I really wanted She Hulk to work. It was terrible. Moon Knight wasn’t perfect, but it had some good action and actual dread.
It’s true that female lead movies are judged more harshly, but just because a female lead movie flops isn’t always about the female and is about the movie.
- Comment on Inside Sony’s ‘Madame Web’ Collapse: Forget About a New Franchise 1 year ago:
The cure is simple.
‘Alternate World’ stories based on the characters we all know.
The same way the comics had ‘The Ultimates’ redo the Universe, just announce movies outside the ‘canon.’ Nobody but the most dedicated fanboys cares about canon anyway.
Captain America : The War Years. A young Black Widow, before she decided to turn good. Young Hawkeye and Howard Stark. Thor in the Middle Ages. Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD.
- Comment on Inside Sony’s ‘Madame Web’ Collapse: Forget About a New Franchise 1 year ago:
Sounds like exactly what happened with the Tom Cruise ‘The Mummy’ movie. We were going to get a Dark Universe, but the flagpole broke.
- Comment on Blue Eye Samurai is the best thing Netflix has done in years 1 year ago:
I am psyched for Season 2. I’ve been telling everyone to try it.
- Comment on Chronobiologist and Nobel Laureate in Medicine Michael Rosbash: ‘Lack of sunlight during the day is worse than electric lighting at night’ 1 year ago:
There are other factors that age skin. Wind, cold, etc.
- Comment on Brave truth teller. 1 year ago:
Its’ all good.
- Comment on Brave truth teller. 1 year ago:
“Tipping the landlord” Some landlord/employer posted on Twitter how none of their employees/tenants are grateful for the nice things the capitalist provides them with. They said that they’d like to get tipped occasionally. It might have been a shitpost, but it blew up. Now, ‘tipping the landlord’ is an internet gag line. No one in real life tips their land lord.
- Comment on Christopher Nolan Calls Zack Snyder’s ‘Watchmen’ a Film ‘Ahead of Its Time’: It Should Have Been Released Post-‘Avengers’ 1 year ago:
Wait?? there was life before Shrek???
- Comment on More Remakes That Aren’t Actually Remakes, Please 1 year ago:
Ditto. The 1960s style was one of the few things I liked in The Man From UNCLE.
It would actually be a great advertising gimmick. As I understand it, Mercedes and Heineken have been financing the new Bond movies for years. I’m sure other ‘timeless’ products like Rolex or Chanel would love to jump in.
- Comment on Christopher Nolan Calls Zack Snyder’s ‘Watchmen’ a Film ‘Ahead of Its Time’: It Should Have Been Released Post-‘Avengers’ 1 year ago:
Mystery Men has entered the chat…
- Comment on Christopher Nolan Calls Zack Snyder’s ‘Watchmen’ a Film ‘Ahead of Its Time’: It Should Have Been Released Post-‘Avengers’ 1 year ago:
- Comment on Christopher Nolan Calls Zack Snyder’s ‘Watchmen’ a Film ‘Ahead of Its Time’: It Should Have Been Released Post-‘Avengers’ 1 year ago:
Because they cut this scene from Kill Bill. Par II
[also, there’s a ridiculous number of Michaels involved in QT’s movies; Michael Parks, Michael Madsen…
- Comment on In the age of public salary-range listings, some jobseekers feel duped 1 year ago:
Had a Civil Service job with a union. Everyone knew exactly what everyone else was making and nobody cared.
- Comment on Yeah, but... 1 year ago:
I posted because I have seen it go from expecting a bike rider to be a kid to expecting them to be an older adult. But I guess it’s different depending on where you live.
- Comment on Yeah, but... 1 year ago:
[off topic?]
Just read an interview with the young actors from ‘Stranger Things.’ They said that one of the craziest 1980s thing they did was get on bikes and just ride around town, unsupervised. One said he looks around now, and never sees kids just riding bikes.