Comment on mv *.jpg is complete bullshit. 1 year agoI’ve been using command-line programs for twenty-five years. “Basic” is not the issue, here. This is obscene edge-case behavior for what honestly should be a Hello World level example.
Thoroughly explicable causes do not make the outcome any less of a problem. 1 year ago
A general statement (not about you):
I’ve been using my human body for over 25 years (exact number withheld) and still don’t know shit about how it works and what it does. I don’t even know the muscle groups, which most people who care about their health learn. But I still use them. Years of experience don’t always translate to understanding and knowledge.
More specifically about you (and me): I’m sure you know a lot about how to use the shell, and I’ll absolutely bet you know more tricks than me to get shit done. But you still didn’t know about the quoting thing. I have a tendency to dig into understanding how shit works while not developing my actual skills in using them. You might have the opposite tendency. The best is somewhere in the middle, I think.