FTR: I agree that Sense8 was a great show. But I disagree that it was Netflix who killed it. It was the creators insisting on a globe trotting production. They priced themselves out by being unwilling to compromise that. And I say this as a fan who enjoyed seeing the actual exotic locales rather than trying to pass off northern Vancouver as Iceland.
(But I also feel the need to trash The OA. That was a great show, but the ending sucked. I have never been so pissed off at a season finale than that. That ending killed the show, not Netflix. You can’t piss off that many fans and expect to get invited back.) 10 months ago
Netflix’s two-season reputation means they are not to blame when yet another showrunner pretends they’re gonna get a third. You know damn well you’re not doing Stranger Things numbers. It’s on you to provide a satisfying endpoint, or you’re just pissing people off and pointing fingers.