Seeing so many people mention Firefly gives me this warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Which shows do you think ended too soon, or went on too long?
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
Iunno. I’m feeling empty about it. Vindicated but empty. 1 year ago
Too soon:
The Expanse
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
Babylon 5: 1 year ago
I ferl you on The Expanse but I don't think anyone would have liked it if they'd adapted the last 2 books.
Because of the time jump everyone's middle aged and interested in meetings and things, Amos isn't himself, and people that fans of the show were wondering about (eg Naomi's son Filip) are just not in it. 1 year ago
They could’ve made the time jump a bit shorter, it would still work I think. What I don’t understand though is why they made time for the Strange Dogs story when they knew the series wouldn’t continue… (I want to believe!) 1 year ago
And Avasarala was understandably a lot older. So they would have had to get another actress (blasphemy) or do some weird attempt to make her look very old.
Great books and I highly recommend them. I felt it was a good and proper ending to the series 1 year ago
As involved with the show as the authors were, I could easily see them changing things if and when the show ever comes back. They and the cast have said that they are open to returning to it some day. I could easily see Amazon or another streamer giving it a limited series run. 1 year ago
I LOVED the Dark Crystal show! The writing, paving, cliffhangers, characters, effects… I was blown away.
I need to watch it again now. 1 year ago
Props for a Crusade mention. 100% 1 year ago
ended too soon, or went on too long
Arrested Development satisfies both of these 1 year ago
Show needed a season 4. Just not that one. 1 year ago
So does Futurama 1 year ago
I haven’t watched the Hulu reboot so I can’t be certain but this feels a bit like sacrilege. Every other Futurama revival has been excellent, so I’d be surprised if the latest one isn’t also great. 1 year ago
The Office (US) could have ended with the proposal in the rain.
It probably should have ended with the wedding in Niagara.
It definitely should have ended when Michael left. Don't give my your Robert California bullshit either. The series was already on fumes and the last two seasons were garbage. 1 year ago
Unpopular (somehow) opinion incoming. I watched The Office because people talked about it so much and I loved Parks and Rec which I often heard it compared to. And while I found it nowhere near as good as Parks and Rec, I still enjoyed most of it. My least favorite part of the show, however, was Michael Scott. I love Steve Carell in almost everything I’ve seen him in, but Michael Scott was just such an annoying cringy asshole. I was super glad when he left. He’s easily one of my most disliked characters in all of media. 1 year ago
That really is an unpopular opinion so I respect you for sharing it. I think it might miss the mark a little bit. The point of Michael Scott is that he is the idiot boss, he is supposed to be a cringy asshole, and a way for the rest of the cast to have something in common with the audience (everyone has had a crappy boss). Essentially an American equivalent of the UK’s David Brent.
In season 2, they had to rework his character into not quite a lovable idiot but someone who was promoted above their competence level. The show couldn’t work with American audiences otherwise. You still aren’t supposed to root for him as much as feel bad for him. Then they replaced him with completely irredeemable and unlikable characters. The Office without Michael was like what Parks and Rec would be without Ron. 1 year ago
I was going to say the exact same thing. The wedding was the perfect ending and Michael leaving would have been the last chance of closing the book. The influx of new characters made the show so chaotic and story lines were boring as hell. Nellie was hands down the absolute worst character in any TV show I have ever seen. 1 year ago
“so she’s basically just here to be the official shit stirrer. She has no character, no dreams or hopes, she is not relatable at all, she’s basically just here to cause conflict because we can’t think of anything better” 1 year ago
Mind hunter ended way too soon 1 year ago
Good shout! 1 year ago
Still mad about it 1 year ago
Too long: The Walking Dead, Money Heist
Too soon: Firefly, Extracurricular 1 year ago
Too soon: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 1 year ago
I think Brooklyn 99 went on for too long. It started super strong. Whacky funny detective BUT he's also really good at his job.
When i stopped watching it was nothing but whacky. I liked chelsea perettis character in the beginning and then i think she got pregnant or something and after that she was just that omnipotent annoying character who would lise her job every day of the 1 year ago
Fyi no h in ‘wacky’ unless he’s beating people :) 1 year ago
After Gina leaves it gets a lot more serious. In the final season Rosa has left the force and become a PI over the George Floyd incident. Jake undergoes an arc about internalizing the fact that this doesn’t mean Rosa hates him or thinks he’s a bad person. 1 year ago
For me the show ends when Gina leaves the station. Most shows go way downhill as soon as a main character has a child 1 year ago
The final season was a disappointment for me. It’s just Jake relieving all the best moments and for me failed in the execution. 1 year ago
Too soon:
Raised By Wolves
Santa Clarita Diet
Utopia (the UK version)
Happy EndingsAnd some older ones
Freaks and Geeks
FireflyToo long
Big Bang Theory
The Simpsons
Master Chef
Sex And The CityToo long as in I loved them but then they went downhill:
Arested Development final season 1 year ago
This is a great list except for Futurama and formatting issues.
Post-movies Futurama quality improved. I’d say it’s on par with the first two seasons. The bad episodes can still be funny and the good episodes are absolutely worth it. 1 year ago
@GlitterInfection have I fixed the formatting? I'm on kbin and lists with no enter between them look ok but I did sort of wonder if they don't on Lemmy.
I'm super old and started not liking Futurama over a decade ago. You guys are convincing me to give it another watch. 1 year ago
New Futurama is just as good as old Futurama. Fight me.
Arrested Developments Netflix seasons, though different from the original run in format, I found them enjoyable and worth rewatching.
Game of Throne’s last half sucked but not because it went on too long, quite the opposite. The producers tried to rush the series to a quick finish so they could go do a Star Wars. HBO offered them extra seasons, they had plenty of source material they downright ignored or went against. The series was best when it was verbatim from the books. In the hands of someone who cared it could have been twice as long and quality all the way through. Obviously I’ll die on this hill.
Couldn’t agree more on the rest of your list. Westworld would have been a tight one season limited series. 1 year ago
Yeah I think we actually agree on GOT - it is on my list because it suddenly took a turn for the worst in the last 2 seasons. I'd have loved it if they'd just made it all and followed the books.
Who knows, maybe GRRM might have been motivated to finish them if it had gone down that way. 1 year ago
100% agree on Westworld and I would extend that to the movies and the books too.
Yul Brynner in Westworld? Excellent. Yul Brynner in Futureworld? The world has gained nothing by its existence. 1 year ago
Arrested Development should be in both the too soon and too long lists. 1 year ago
Futurama seems ok now? People seemed to enjoy the recent season 1 year ago 1 year ago
For me season 4 of Westworld changed it from “Too Long” to “Too Soon” for me, personally. I didn’t really care for season 3 when it aired, but season 4 made me more forgiving of it, retroactively. It seemed like they were setting things up in season 5 which required season 4, which in turn required season 3. Especially given the nature of the show, it felt like they were building some grand story which required these banal meanderings that would all make sense when they clicked into place at the end.
Now I’m really curious what they were planning in 5 and it looks like we won’t get to find out. 1 year ago
@agamemnonymous ah that's interesting. Yeah my partner preferred S4 to S3 but I felt the whole thing had jumped the shark. 1 year ago
I maintain that Big Bang Theory had 6 amazing seasons spread out over 12.
If someone with too much time and effort to spare could run through and edit out every nerd joke for joke sake, every episode that doesnt advance the characters and so on you would wind up with 6 seasons of damn good tv. 1 year ago
My list:
Too soon:
- The OA
- Firefly
- Caprica (it was just starting to get interesting)
- Stargate Universe
- Jericho
- Altered Carbon
Too long:
- Game of thrones
- Dexter
- Lost
- Arrested development (they made a huge mistake bringing it back) 1 year ago
I am still mad that SGU didn’t even get a sign-off movie on SyFy. That franchise was a massive property for that network, and the moment one of them faltered in the ratings they just dropped it like it was diseased. Those characters deserved better. 1 year ago
Altered Carbon season 1 was absolutely amazing. Everything from the cyberpunk aesthetic to Joel Kinnaman’s acting was a joy to behold. The story in season 2 was good but Anthony Mackie killed it for me … In a bad way.
Mackie is just such a limited actor. Why does he continue to get cast in movies? 1 year ago
Yeah I didn’t rate him at all either, and it definitely started off a lot slower, but by the end I was properly into the story of season 2. It’s a really shame as like you said season 1 was incredible, they just didn’t have the same budget for S2. I would have liked to see more as we would have had a different actor and it never really got finished. 1 year ago
I recommend watching the redited version of arrested development. It’s slightly better and the characters feel less isolated. 1 year ago
Too soon: dirk gently’s holistic detective agency. 1 year ago
Not 100 percent sure. Season 02 was weaker than 01. 1 year ago
It was, but I feel like they could have learned from their mistakes. 1 year ago
I really like both of them. Pacing is maybe a bit weaker, but the worlds building is wonderful, character development is great, I really wanted to know what was next. 1 year ago
Definitely, and both were very… different from the books. 1 year ago
Once Upon a Time definitely went on too long. 1 year ago
Too soons I haven’t seen listed:
Better Off Ted Undeclared Dead Like Me (Yes we eventually got the movie but I like to pretend we didn’t) That 80s Show (oh god was it terrible, but it had so much potential!) 1 year ago
I’m torn on Better off Ted. Obviously it was too soon. But we got a near perfect 2 seasons forever unblemished by time. Bittersweet 1 year ago
Yeah but the third season of shows is always the best! 1 year ago
A “too soon” not listed yet, Our Flag Means Death. I really wish they’d had a chance to close out with the planned third season. 1 year ago
I was pleasantly surprised at how good Our Flag Means Death turned out to be. I heard they were considering continuing with other characters as the main focus, but waititi thought the blackbeard and stede bonnet story was finished. 1 year ago
The last season of Scrubs doesn’t exist and don’t you dare try to convince me otherwise. 1 year ago
Rings of Power has been going on way too long. 1 year ago
I’m slogging through it. It’s hard to find the desire to watch it. 1 year ago
Haha I am rooting for season 2 to be good tho 1 year ago
Im sad Norsemen got cancelled after season 3. 1 year ago
G.L.O.W got cut early too. 1 year ago
Totally. I really wondered where it was going. 1 year ago
Too soon: Stargate Universe Too long: most shows over 4 seasons, but specifically, Walking Dead, Big Bang Theory. 1 year ago
Year of the rabbit 1 year ago
Profit. Dexter. 1 year ago
Too soons that I didn’t see listed when I looked through the thread:
Dark Matter (I enjoyed this more than Firefly tbh)
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency 1 year ago
Kyle XY. I’m still pissed off at the abrupt cliffhanger ending.
The OA and Sense8… Netflix, you suck. Those were stunning shows. 1 year ago
Stargate SG-1.
Season 7 finale was perfect… and then season 8 happened. It did get better with seasons 9 and 10, but the Ori arc was just a weird tonal shift from the original Egyptian mythos.
I love the show, but that’s my hot take. Should’ve ended with season 7 and just transitioned over to Atlantis instead of running alongside it. 1 year ago
The worst “too soon” for me was Rome on HBO 1 year ago
Went on too long? Mr. Pickles. I like the show but it continued on past the third season as Momma Named Me Sheriff and it is significantly worse. It just feels like one of those generic crude humor shows by Roger Black and Waco O’Guin that Netflix pumps out.
There’s also How I Met Your Mother and Two and a Half Men.
Ended too soon? Jeff and Some Aliens. A great dark comedy cartoon that I have rewatched several times. 1 year ago
Did anyone else watch Alphas? Stopped abruptly after 2 seasons.
Could not make it today with all the superhero fatigue, but in 2011 it was awesome. 1 year ago
Ended too soon? Too many to list. My most recent gripe is half bad on Netflix.
Too long? Most recent is nurse Jackie. 1 year ago
Too soon: Counterpart. A truly marvelous science fiction thriller that explored the concept of a parallel universe and starred J. K. Simmons. I’m still fuming that Starz cancelled it after two seasons. It’s not even available to stream anymore… 1 year ago
Too soon: The Critic. We deserved more than 23 episodes of this brilliant show. It’s too bad that the first season was on ABC who didn’t know what to do with it, as they put it on before Home Improvement which was a completely different concept.
Too late: King of the Hill. It should’ve ended when Luanne and Lucky got married like it supposed to. Few of the episodes after that were memorable, and the finale wasn’t as good as it could’ve been.
Both: Family Guy. The pre cancellation seasons were funny and the first couple of seasons after the revival were as well, but it insisted upon itself after awhile and the characters became more mean spirited than they originally were. 1 year ago
Firefly for too soon
Heroes for too long. It was a strong concept but there’s only so many ways you can write interesting stories with it before it becomes too much 1 year ago
Did Heroes eventually have a proper ending, or did you also abruptly stop watching as it continued to drag on? 1 year ago
Not sure if it ever truly ended. They had a short comeback season, and I watched it, but I can’t remember anything about it. 1 year ago
Heroes suffered from lostism. It was a great show until they completely explained it. We love making wild guesses and hate it when the truth is less exciting than what we were thinking it might be. 1 year ago
They also had characters that were way too overpowered and it painted them in a corner. 1 year ago
Can you spoil lost for me? I watched the first season buy it was too much of a time sink and I just wanted them to explain it to me already 1 year ago
Speaking of Lost, its parody show called Wrecked ended too soon.