- Comment on Google Pixel 4a’s ruinous “Battery Performance” update is a bewildering mess 1 month ago:
Man, are you okay? Is there something you’re taking or not taking that you should be?
- Comment on Google Pixel 4a’s ruinous “Battery Performance” update is a bewildering mess 1 month ago:
Bewildering mess is accurate. My daughter has a 4a. They took her perfectly good battery and toasted it, now it fully drains in about 20 minutes. The solution? They’ll pay for a repair… 150 miles from my house, or send me $50… Through Payoneer??? Or give me $100 credit to the Google store where the cheapest phone is $500. The new batteries are all on backorder so even if I replace it myself she has put up with this issue for an indeterminate amount of time.
- Comment on Were Sony and Microsoft Truly Worried About The Google Stadia? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Were Sony and Microsoft Truly Worried About The Google Stadia? 2 months ago:
Stadia was awesome. The only flop involved was in Google’s handling of it.
- Comment on Nintendo shuts down Ryujinx 5 months ago:
The Flashcart. But I’ll take the plane!
- Comment on Nintendo shuts down Ryujinx 5 months ago:
Get him a MIG!
- Comment on Microsoft: Copilot ‘app’ on Windows Server mistakenly added by Edge 11 months ago:
The web browser does communicate with their servers, clearly, since it’s installing Copilot on enterprise servers.
- Comment on Which shows do you think ended too soon, or went on too long? 1 year ago:
Yeah but the third season of shows is always the best!
- Comment on Which shows do you think ended too soon, or went on too long? 1 year ago:
Too soons I haven’t seen listed:
Better Off Ted Undeclared Dead Like Me (Yes we eventually got the movie but I like to pretend we didn’t) That 80s Show (oh god was it terrible, but it had so much potential!)
- Comment on Which shows do you think ended too soon, or went on too long? 1 year ago:
New Futurama is just as good as old Futurama. Fight me.
Arrested Developments Netflix seasons, though different from the original run in format, I found them enjoyable and worth rewatching.
Game of Throne’s last half sucked but not because it went on too long, quite the opposite. The producers tried to rush the series to a quick finish so they could go do a Star Wars. HBO offered them extra seasons, they had plenty of source material they downright ignored or went against. The series was best when it was verbatim from the books. In the hands of someone who cared it could have been twice as long and quality all the way through. Obviously I’ll die on this hill.
Couldn’t agree more on the rest of your list. Westworld would have been a tight one season limited series.