Comment on Which shows do you think ended too soon, or went on too long? 1 year ago@GlitterInfection have I fixed the formatting? I'm on kbin and lists with no enter between them look ok but I did sort of wonder if they don't on Lemmy.
I'm super old and started not liking Futurama over a decade ago. You guys are convincing me to give it another watch. 1 year ago
Much better, yes!
Also I loved the original series of Sex and the City. The movies and beyond were a mistake, though! 1 year ago
@GlitterInfection thanks for that! I'd been thinking how great it is to not have to keep pressing enter. Too good to be true.
I liked the first 3 or 4 seasons but I felt it started flanderizing and also I was over Mr Big but he just ...kept being a thing. 1 year ago
I thought the final tv season ended so brilliantly, though!
Each character ended up on a journey that looked nothing like the one they expected. Miranda’s self-protecting cynicism was worn away with the love of her family. Charlotte’s perfect dream husband and children came in the form of an imperfect, but lovely, Jewish man and an adopted daughter. Samantha let a guy occupy space in her life outside of the bedroom. And Carrie’s final manic depressive flight of fancy into a Parisian romance ends with her realizing that her dreams are naive and he ought to settle for the wealthy Mr big dicked New Yorker who likes her for some reason.
The first time I watched the show I hated Mr Big. But on each subsequent watch it’s more and more clear that Carrie was the issue in that relationship. Especially in the earlier seasons. Yeesh. 1 year ago
@GlitterInfection you've made me realise I should give it a rewatch. I get the feeling time and age will have really changed how I view some of those characters!