- Submitted 3 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on YouTuber claims another channel used AI to clone his voice without consent 5 months ago:
He just posted a letter he got. They actually seemed to take the issue seriously including removal and an offer of compensation for any losses.
That’s a refreshing change
- Comment on Leaked Disney+ financials may shed light on recent price hike 5 months ago:
The Mandalorian has been fantastic though… but I agree with Star Wars having so much sand on screen you just know Anakin’s whining about it while Padme is so bored she wishes she could be sad
- Comment on Let's Settle This 6 months ago:
That’s pretty slick
- Comment on Become an aging court jester trapped in a cyclical hell at the whims of a fickle audience in Conan Throwbrien 6 months ago:
It has a very 16 bit (SNES, Genesis) Adventure RPG look. Like Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Comment on Would you look at the size of this puzzle cube in The Talos Principle 2’s upcoming expansion 8 months ago:
Absolutely. It was great. Was good in VR too.
- Comment on Would you look at the size of this puzzle cube in The Talos Principle 2’s upcoming expansion 8 months ago:
More TTP? Yes please. One of the few games I preordered (after playing the demo and being pleased with its performance and controls).
It was absolutely worth the purchase if anybody is on the fence about it
- Comment on Former Blizzard president wants to be able to leave a "tip" after completing $70 games: "I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20" 10 months ago:
Hmm. Maybe a donation to their respective union funds?
- Comment on Which shows do you think ended too soon, or went on too long? 1 year ago:
And Avasarala was understandably a lot older. So they would have had to get another actress (blasphemy) or do some weird attempt to make her look very old.
Great books and I highly recommend them. I felt it was a good and proper ending to the series
- Comment on Which shows do you think ended too soon, or went on too long? 1 year ago:
Not sure if it ever truly ended. They had a short comeback season, and I watched it, but I can’t remember anything about it.
- Comment on Which shows do you think ended too soon, or went on too long? 1 year ago:
Firefly for too soon
Heroes for too long. It was a strong concept but there’s only so many ways you can write interesting stories with it before it becomes too much
- Comment on [PSA] Firewatch, one of the best walking sims, is on a -90% sale right now! Only $1.99 is an incredible steal. Runs great on Deck. 1 year ago:
With full audio commentary
- Comment on [PSA] Firewatch, one of the best walking sims, is on a -90% sale right now! Only $1.99 is an incredible steal. Runs great on Deck. 1 year ago:
An interactive storytelling adventure/mystery. Some walking required.
- Comment on Lower Decks: Can anyone tell me what I'm missing? 1 year ago:
Totally fair opinion. I like it because it’s the Wizard behind the Curtain scenarios.
That peace treaty and the wonderful meal prepared?
Yeah… guys on the lower decks had to make that happen. Mundane paperwork, etc.
How did this magically get resolved so quickly? Lower decks did it.
It’s the Star Trek equivalent of Super Store where you see the lofty ideals and futuristic space travel is really just every day life with people doing people things like we do today. Whether good and bad.
- Comment on what is the correct way to use the word "backorder" in English? 1 year ago:
I went to buy that part for the dryer at the appliance parts store. The clerk told me they don’t have it and when he went to order it from his supplier they told him it’s on backorder but hope next months shipment will have them.
I already paid for it and the supplier will send it to appliance store when the back ordered part is available.
- Comment on Glad it's almost over 1 year ago:
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Ubisoft blames “technical error” for showing pop-up ads in Assassin’s Creed 1 year ago:
And even if it was a technical error such as extra code/functionality they decided to scrap but left in there at some point it was discussed and planned enough to be in there which is just as bad.