Couldn’t Taiwan find a country willing to “harbor” the entire population and move
Let me stop you right there - how exactly do you propose to move 24 million people?
It is worthwhile to talk about possible alternatives, and I don’t think you should be getting down votes for it, but this isn’t feasible. 11 months ago
Getting a fab up and running is an incredibly time and capital intensive ideal. And the hardware they use, known as ‘tools’, are not designed to sit in some dusty warehouse in the meantime. Even if it was feasible to move them all out at once. Like this is sensitive equipment and there’s tons of it. There’s no way they’re moving entire fabs out. The money lost in downtime alone would be astronomical. 11 months ago
The money lost by losing the fabs by blowing them up during an invasion would also be astronomical. Surely a controlled move would be less expensive.
Anti Commercial AI thingy