10 months ago
Graal!!! I put an absurd amount of time into this game, and eventually developed for it. I remember how exciting it was when Stefan gave me access to the New World project – it was actually very good, but the team ran out of steam and they dropped it most of it. What ended up being released was a hot mess.
I remember I got a house on the river and snuck in a money hack into the server. As an event master, we had to use our own earned money to run events, and that seemed ridiculous. So I’d use my money exploit and run a ton of events for people to make the game more fun. It worked for a long time until Stefan found it.
The original version was so good, it’s what got me into game dev and programming as a teenager. What a cool nostalgic memory. 10 months ago
Man, it was a HUGE impact on my childhood. I would’ve loved that. I just want the original to come back to life; looking at all these old versions and walking around really threw me for a loop. I’m sure there was a lot of dirt behind the scenes I was too young to pick up on, but I’d go back in a heartbeat if we got OG PC Graal back. 10 months ago
I hear you.
It honestly is not that difficult a game to make now days, maybe I will whip up a new version?
And by new I mean I would go back to the roots and make a multiplayer “Zelda: A Link to the Past” inspired project with players having the ability to edit levels etc. – making the original Graal would be really straightforward.
My whole teenage years were about that game, might be fun to revisit again. 10 months ago
Duuuude that would be AWESOME.