Then don’t subscribe?
Comment on NVIDIA make it easier to get GeForce NOW on Steam Deck 9 months ago
I hate subscription services 9 months ago
Comment on NVIDIA make it easier to get GeForce NOW on Steam Deck 9 months ago
I hate subscription services
Then don’t subscribe? 9 months ago
I get that, but this is paying to basically rent someone else’s gaming PC so it’s somewhat understandable I think. Main problem I have with most subscription services now is they either are charging a subscription for something that should be a one time purchase, or they’re raising their prices while offering lower selection/worse service. 9 months ago
I strongly disklike any subscription, but having to choose between paying for a high-end gaming rig that I rarely have the opportunity to use and paying 10$ or so for renting a cloud VM instance for the few months I get through a game, I choose the latter. Also, upgrading hardware is somebody else’s problem.