Loverslab: 👀 10 months ago
unparalleled equine realism
This is going to be the Red Dead realistic horse testicle thing all over again isn’t it 10 months ago 10 months ago
unparalleled equine realism
This is going to be the Red Dead realistic horse testicle thing all over again isn’t it
Loverslab: 👀 10 months ago
To be honest the horse mechanics in RDR2 are very in-depth, you have to manage their fear, stamina, weight, cleanliness and so forth… I never understood why some people cared about the realistic aspects of horses in games until I played it, it really adds to the immersion compared to something like Skyrim’s horses that are just bikes on legs. 10 months ago
I had the same house all the way from the opening mission to 40 hours in. She was killed by an ambush in the woods and I couldn’t pick the game back up for a week. 10 months ago
I know the feeling, at the end of the game
in the shootout between Arthur, the rest of the gang and the pinkertons when your horse dies during the cutscene…
That hit me hard as well, fuck me I had invested so much time and effort into that horse and those bastards killed my girl.