GDPR Violation
Comment on Microsoft's new Recall AI will take screenshots of everything you do - freaky 9 months ago
GDPR Violation and probably a biiiiiiiig no no for 100% of companys besides Microsoft.
GDPR Violation
By taking screenshots of your desktop.
How does that violate GDPR?
By taking screenshots of everything you do on your PC
“Everything I don’t like is a GDPR violation” lol 9 months ago
Local and optional. 9 months ago
Lmao idk where you work but i don’t think any company wants their confidential stuff to be on a Microsoft server and blow up network traffic.
Also nobody in the world should accept that shit!
Also Microsoft cannot legally have customers data within EU. 9 months ago
Recall is local
Even then, do you know how many companies use Microsoft for everything including their most confidential data?You live in a foss bubble if you believe regular people/companies don’t trust Microsoft to reasonable degree. 9 months ago
The millions of businesses that use M365 + Windows says otherwise. And yes, MS has plenty of customer data within the EU. There are additional restrictions on reporting and deletion, but the EU azure cloud has petabytes (at least) worth of data and it all complies with GDPR as well as public sector tenants in all regions.
……/microsoft-cloud-for-sovereignty-… 9 months ago
So you are here defending Microsoft pre-installing a literal Keylogger… Interesting.