Comment on Imperfect, Linux-powered, DIY smart TV is the embodiment of ad fatigue 7 months ago
Hm. I install emby on my “smart”-tv and done. No ads ever, no nothing. Just everything i ever want to see. Type a name, wait a minute, watch. 7 months ago
All my Android TV devices boot into the Android TV home screen which does have ads. How do you avoid this? 7 months ago
Maybe a regional thing? They do the maximum they’re allowed by law.
Also i use another launcher to replace the google one. Also i have a google-tv not android-tv. Though it wasn’t different on my shield or other tvs.
Also i use pihole. So even if there might’ve been an ad someplace, i wouldn’t have seen it anyway 😁
If there was one single ad anywhere i would return this shit and indeed built my own. With blackjack and hookers. And linux. 7 months ago
I don’t know what you consider an ad. The Android (or Google?) TV launcher looks like this:
Discover tab is an ad. IIRC, “Apps” also contains ads for applications to spend money on one way or another. The whole area below is an ad. Under your application-specific entries, there’s more ads (something called “popular movies” or so). And no, you can’t change the launcher to start by default as you can with phones. This is on a device sold in the EU. 7 months ago
Can’t tell for android-tv, my last one was the nvidia shield and i don’t recall any stupid “discover” tab there. Just the apps i want. Or maybe by default and i disabled them… Would be totally pissed if I had to live with them. Especially because i only need one app on a tv.
On google-tv (android-tv is dead) i can change the launcher and hence those forced tabs aren’t an issue. That’s why i sorted the tvs by OS. Wouldn’t touch samsung & co.
If there was no other way, I’d attach a shield to it and forget about the “smart” of my tv. Maybe even a chromecast-shitstick.