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<- View Parent ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

In my opinion, no it isn’t worth it. It isn’t even worth it for free. Maybe if you have unlimited free time, but no one does. It isn’t fallout in space. A big part of Fallout is the world, and scavenging for stuff. Starfield doesn’t have that. It has guns, and that’s as far as it goes. It also has the (lack of) dialogue options from FO4 (which they’ve said was an error they’ve learned from, but it’s still there just not on a wheel now). Besides that, no.

I love sci-fi, so I was willing to forgive a lot. It just wasn’t enjoyable to play. It constantly reminds you you’re playing a game by how often you have to navigate menus, while FO typically kept you in the world as much as it could, even going so far as to make the menus diegetic. None of that exists for Starfield. Every menu is a very generic video game menu and to go anywhere you have to go through the menu to tavel at least once, if not two or more times. Scanning planets is done through the menu. Traveling between planets is all in the menu. You’ll also likely constantly be dealing with weight, which means you’ll be fiddling with more menus. It’s not great.

I’m sure once mod tools are out we’ll see a lot of this be fixed, but currently it’s just not enjoyable give it a year or so. It’ll still be around, and maybe cheaper.
